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I waited till the sun went down and the house was fast asleep to begin getting ready for what could be the biggest mistake of my life.

I stuffed all my necessities in a big bag, then  made my way to the prayer house and lit a candle high above my head. Quickly, I bowed my head and prayed, asking the ancestors to protect me on my journey and keep my family safe here until my return. I also asked that my parents one day find it in their hearts to forgive me for the decision I have made.

Women were not allowed to fight in the Imperial army... Or any army for that matter. Our job was to stay home and wait till our husbands returned.

Therefore if I am going to take my father's place, I have to look the part.

I brushed out my long raven locks then, in one smooth motion, cut it all shoulder length. I tied it in a neat bun on top of my head with a green silk ribbon the way I've seen my father tie his.

Next, I crept down stairs to the room where father showcases his special armor. Unlocking it, I  slipped  it on as quickly and quietly as I could. When I was done, I realized this was way to big on me so I took it all off. I reached toward the back of the showcase and found his swordsmen suit. I slipped that on and found that to be a much better fit, it was still a little big, but at least it wasn't as heavy as the complete armor.

I stuffed the armor back in its place, then pushed my father's favorite sword into it's sheath, securing it on my hip.

Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I tiptoed to the back of the house to my parents room. I planed to leave a note on there dresser so they wouldn't  wonder where I was, but stopped in my tracks when I heard noise coming from the room. I couldn't risk them waking up and seeing me fully dressed in Pa pa's suit, so I made a bee line for the door instead. I'll just send a letter from the war camp whenever I get the chance.

Once I was outside, I ran to the horse stable a little ways from the main house, out where our barn was. There stood our beautiful, dark maned stallion, Khan. Khan's mother had went to war with my father many years back, but died giving birth to him. We've taken care of him ever since, but I was really the only one who visited him everyday. He and little brother took the place of the siblings I never had.

I rubbed his back to help wake him up. He was startled at first but I calmed him down by putting my face to his nose, stroking his mane. "Easy boy. It's just me."

When he realized he was in no danger, he stomped his hoof and whinnied in annoyance. He was used to getting a full night's sleep and never did like waking up early. "Lazy horse." I murmured.

After leading him out of the stable, I mounted his back with ease. I looked the farm over one last time before leading Khan down the road.

I was off to restore my families honor, and save my father's life.


I know This was a much shorter chapter, but i just wanted to check in on you guys. How's the story so far?

I would ask you guys what do you think will happen next, but since this is a retelling of the disney movie, I think you guys already know lol.

Well anyways, thats all I really wanted to say so, please continue to comment and vote guys.


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