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        I feel the sweat sticking to my body. Hear the talk and laughter of everyone around me mixed with the sound of spilling drinks and the throbbing music. My body sways to the beat, and I catch a glimpse of my friend dancing right next to me. I lift up my hand and a second later I feel the burn of the liquid go down my throat and settle into my stomach. Trying to take another drink I realize there's nothing left. I turn to my friend Ashley and yell,


        She nods in my general direction considering her attention is mainly taken up by the cutie dancing in front of her.  Shaking my head and swaying towards the kitchen, I grab for the bottle of Jack Daniels; but I've already had a lot to drink and can't keep my hand steady. I set the bottle down and reach for a lighter drink, but I stumble. Before I can do any serious damage to myself, someone grabs me around the waist.  After a couple seconds I turn around to tell them thanks for catching me when I notice their hands still haven't moved.

        The person's mouth goes to my neck, as their arms tighten around me and I'm being pulled back. I try to scream for them to let me go, for someone to help me, but its just no use. It's to loud in here. I try to pry the person's arms off me, but I'm too weak and have had too much to drink. I can't see where we're going. Hearing a door open and then hearing it slammed shut, my stomach turns as wind rolls around me in waves and I fall back onto a twin size bed.

        I look up but its to dark too see. He's tall, and I can tell he has muscles. I feel his gaze on me as I look around the room trying to find an escape, but my vision is hazy. He laughs, and when I look up he's unbuttoning his pants. I try to scream again, but nothing comes out except a pathetic whimper. He laughs some more, and it's the most chilling laugh I've ever heard. I know that even if I don't remember anything else from tonight I will remember that laugh.

        I try to push myself off the bed, but the only way is to go sideways and fall off. I try it anyway, and the next thing I know I'm being thrown back onto the bed. I feel the extra weight of someone laying on me, and I feel pain. It won't stop. HE won't stop. Tears are  falling down the sides of my face, whimpers and screams coming from me. I don't know how long it takes. Maybe an hour. Days. Years. I don't know. But when it's finally over he puts his clothes back on. I start to think maybe I'll be fine, and that I can leave now. That I can get help, and it's finally over.

        Only he's not done. He reaches inside his pocket and pulls out something that shines. It glints as he steps back over to me. I can feel the fear in every nerve of my body. He growls, "You are MINE." as he grabs my arm and slices a cross on the inside of my right arm.

        I know its deep, I can feel it. It hurts so much. Worse then what I went through before. This time I scream for all I'm worth, and finally the door busts open. All the noises from before rush back in as a group of 3 guys, and 3 girls run into the room.

        He gives me one last look, then leaves through the window I hadn't even noticed through the whole experience. There are shouts and screams and commotion as everyone begins to realize something terribly wrong has just happened. I can feel the confusion and fear in the air. Someone starts to come towards me, and I can't help it. I scream. And this time I don't stop. I can hear people calling my name, see them coming towards me, but still I don't pause. I can't. It's too much. It's just too much, and there's no way to get it all out. So I scream, as the tears fall down my face. Finally, I'm put out of my misery as I fade into nothingness...but it's still not enough.

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