Chapter One

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Chapter One

Addison Parker P.O.V.

"The O'Dairs are moving."

This simple sentence is how my dreadful week starts.

At about 7:42 A.M. on Monday morning I am woken up by a bright light. I slowly open my eyes to see my mum, dad and little sister Evona Lae come pouring into my room, warm tears streaming down Evona Lae's cheeks. I'm not disturbed by this sight; Evona Lae cries over everything. What is disturbing, is the fact that my whole family is in my room. Why are they in my room?

I rub the sleep from my eyes and sit up warily, my entire body groaning in protest. Using my arms to support myself upright, I look from my mum to my dad, then back to my mum. Yes?

"Addie, dear," mum starts, using the childish nickname I hate with a passion but have grown to tolerate. "We have some news."

"Okay...," I respond, feeling half asleep. Can't this wait, whatever it is?

"Madeline, this is ridiculous. Stop beating around the bush and spit it out." Dad chimes in, looking at my mum with annoyance. He scratches the back of his head, seeming quite agitated. He usually isn't so cross with mum, so I can't help being surprised at that. But I let it go, because he's right. There is no point beating around the bush.

"Okay fine. The O'Dairs are moving."

Now this is the time in cheesy, cliche films where I would feel like the wind has been knocked out of me, or where my heart stops, or I can't catch my breath. In those films, this would be the time where I would ask God "why me" or maybe try to kill myself out of depression that they're leaving. But this isn't one of those films, and honestly, I'm not that upset.

Don't get me wrong, I love the O'Dairs. They've been family friends since before I was born. Mum and Kris O'Dair went to college together back in the day. They were sorority sisters. Alan O'Dair and dad used to work together, also. And they have a daughter who I love like a sister, but I'm not sure the feeling is mutual.

Her name is Sam- Samantha Eloise O'Dair. If you look that up in the dictionary, stubborn is the definition. She is an only child, so she has to be the favorite child, the pain in the butt, the baby, and the talented one, all in one. She hates that I call her Sam, saying that it's a boyish name, but considering I've known her since the day she was born, I think I deserve to call her whatever I please. Boyish or not, Sam it is.

Our relationship, well, it's complicated.

"Oh." That is my simple, unfeeling answer. No emotion.

"Why can't they take Addison with them instead?" Evona Lae whines, crossing her arms across her chest. "I don't want Samantha to leave!" More tears stream down her cheeks.

"Thanks Ev." I glare at her and she glares back.

"Addie, be a little more sympathetic." Mum scolds me before leaving my room with Evona Lae in tow. Her sniffles can be heard from the other room. My dad and I are left alone.

"Can I ask why?" I ask my dad, eyeing him skeptically.

"He's being transferred-,"

"Where?" I cut him off.

Dad takes a deep breath. "Uh, BC."

"Canada?" I ask incredulously.

"Yeah. Starts his new post the end of the week."

"So soon?" I find this surprising.

"Yeah. He isn't too happy about it, but he's got to do as he's told." He takes a sip from the coffee mug in his hand. "And so do you. It's-" he looks at his watch. "Almost 8. Time to get ready for school." And with that he leaves my room, and I'm left alone to my thoughts.

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