;SamIsntLivingWithCat posted photo;

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SamIsntLivingWithCat posted photo.


My screen lit up with notifications as soon as I entered the coffee shop. I had come here more often than not and made friends with the waitresses/ waiters. I had gotten the employee wifi password (way better than the customer wifi) back in December for a Christmas present. Maybe I was a little too attached to this place.

I smiled to myself as Maria, the usual waitress for this time of day, said the employee phrase that was required to be said every time a customer entered. "Hello and welcome to Catrina's Café!" She smiled warmly toward me. I returned the gesture.

"Hi Maria," I waved, sitting down in my usual seat. She waved back to me, sliding off her apron after and handing it to Harry, her co-worker.

She shimmied out of the half door and started towards me, "Hey Jade! How come you didn't come yesterday?"

Prickles of happiness sparked at the edges of my brain. She cared enough to ask, no madder what. She always had.

"Lots of studying. Lots of homework," I laughed and opened up my laptop. She peeked over the laptop at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Lots of boys?" I choked out a laugh and pounded a fist on the table before responding with, "more like lack of."

She swatted her hand at me and made an unimpressed noise. My computer finally booted up, soon loading the password screen. A timer went off somewhere in the kitchen and Maria sighed heavily.

"Five minutes for a break isn't nearly enough," she mumbled standing up quickly. I smiled and waved at her quickly before she ran back behind the counter, tending to the line that was forming behind the counter.

After that brisk encounter with Maria, I decided to check my phone before doing anything else. Twitter was going crazy, instagram was stalling my phone, and tumblr was blowing up. But still, one notification stood out.


SamIsntLivingWithCat posted photo.


I raised an eyebrow and moved back to my computer. I quickly went to tumblr, looming at the haze of disaster and chaos. All because of one post that Kevin had made.


-I ruffled my brow

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I ruffled my brow. Who was he talking about? Was he okay? Question upon question surfed through my brain and soon I knew what to do.

I quickly went to my DM's and shot Kevin a message. Was the post directed at me? Is he just satisfying his followers? Was he doing a social experiment?

Was he talking about one of those Brazilian girls?

I shook the thought away. He was just kidding. He had to have been.


TooManyBands: Hey, what's that post about?

SamIsntLivingWithCat: which one?

TooManyBands: Your most recent post.

SamIsntLivingWithCat: Oh. Well, that's about someone I just met.

TooManyBands: who?

SamIsntLivingWithCat: A girl.

TooManyBands: Yeah, I get that but who? Was it a Brazilian chick?

SamIsntLivingWithCat: Um... I don't want to answer any of that...

TooManyBands: Okay. You don't have to. But... do you want to talk about it with hypothetical names? And situations?

SamIsntLivingWithCat: Not right now. Ill tell you who eventually... We aren't close enough yet for me to tell you who.

TooManyBands: Then let's get closer!! More questions?

SamIsntLivingWithCat: That was one, so, sure. Where do you work?

TooManyBands: I work at a restaurant on the corner of 1st and 5th. Where do you work?

SamIsntLivingWithCat: I have no idea where 1st and 5th is but, I work as an entertainer. What state/ country do you live in?

TooManyBands: Scranton, New York. USA.

SamIsntLivingWithCat: I'm from New York!!!!!

TooManyBands: Awesome. When are you coming home from your mission? Maybe we could hang out, haha.

SamIsntLivingWithCat: I'd love that. I'm coming home in a month or so. I don't really know.

TooManyBands: Haha, I was kidding. But I'd be cool. Hey, can I have your number or something? I won't be able to use tumblr soon and I don't want to stop texting.


I heard the little timer go off in the kitchen again, and knew instantly that my regular was ready. And that Maria had put it in.

I sighed happily and took in a breath of the coffee shop before closing my laptop and walking to the counter. I had only been here fifteen minutes, and that was all I could've been there for. My job started in 6 minutes and I was 3 minutes away along with needing to tune up. I had to get going.

"Thanks, Maria," I smiled and grabbed my chocolate mocha frappe. She smiled back, warmly, and took money. I told her to keep the change and started towards the door before hearing Maria call out to me.

I turned, "yeah? What do you need?"

Maria seemed sheepish as she stepped out from behind the counter, "Good luck," she waved her washcloth at me, "with your gig. 10 bucks an hour while doing what you love is hard to get."

Beaming, I thanked her and walked through the door.


SamIsntLivingWithCat: umm... yeah. Sure. 487-555-3867.


I quickly copied the number and pasted it into my contacts. Naming it Kevy with a little poop emoji, I shot him a quick text saying it was me.


Me: Hey Kevin, it's Jade. Text me when you can.

Kevin: oh hey, I can text now if you want.

Me: totally bro. So what're you up to?

Kevin: I'm about to go clean up a beach in Tulsa.

Me: you're soooo lucky. I have to go to class. :/

Kevin: Ew.

Me: I know, right? Ugh, well I can't talk much longer. The university is just up ahead. Catch you on the flip side.

Kevin: Haha. Gotcha, Jadey. Bye for now.


I smiled happily to myself and stared at the ground. He was so nice and charming. The more I got to know him, the more I felt connected. Maybe he was the one and my stomach knew. Just maybe.

Never had I been so happy walking into class before.

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