I am actually not sorry to say that I will not be adding any more chapters of this story online, because Flower and Tree is now published! *happy dance*
However, when I have the first few chapters of the next book finished, I will be putting those up here as a 'teaser' of sorts, like I did with this story and will do/have done with the rest of my original works.
If anyone is interested in purchasing a copy of the published book from me, use this link: http://www.amazon.com/Flower-Tree-Sharon-Rose/dp/1937493903/ref=la_B01FVL62GS_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1463704281&sr=1-1
Flower and Tree
Fantasy"Why did you do this to us? Why take dying and dead minds and force them on unwilling and unknowing random people?" Her voice did not raise, but the few physical items in the room began to shake, and the air to on a distinct smell of sulphur. "Why n...