Chapter 23

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I was searching for Louis who mysteriously disappeared. I checked each door until I came to one I hadn't checked yet. To my surprise Louis was on the bed making out with an American girl doll. Well that was unexpected...

"Louis, what on earth are you doing?" I started making my way over to Louis and sat on the bed. I really didn't know what to do in this situation. Do I pat him on the back or do I just get him out to the car?

"What the hell does it look like I'm doing? I'm kissing Becca. But she doesn't seem to be kissing back though. She's a feisty one and I love it." He purred to the American doll that looked a little like a mini Becca. "Umm... Alrighty then... Well we must get going, everybody is feeling under the weather and they want to get home now." I stood up and started walking towards the door.

Surprisingly, Louis obeyed and followed me out of the house. I had to stable him though because of how much alcohol he consumed.

"I've got bunch of lovely coconuts..." Louis started singing for no entire reason. "Hey Brianna! YOU GOT THE BEST OF WORLDS!"

I think I'm going deaf now from that outburst. I get him in the car in one piece and I'm very proud of myself for that. Muscle power!

We check to see if everyone is in the car and it seems to like everyone is here. We start driving back home.

On the way home the ride is silent and I suspect that everyone is sleeping or in their own little world.

Once we arrive home we wake everyone up except for Nicky. She's had a rough day and needs to sleep. Poor girl.

Once everyone is up and inside the house we all say goodnight and go our separate ways to our bedrooms. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

A/N: so my laptop broke so the only way I can type is on my phone. Which sucks. I haven't uploaded in forever because I've been constantly working and so that has taken most of my summer which really sucks... 😟So vote, comment, fan? Follow me on twitter @squiggles0508 and wish liam a happy birthday! 20 years old!? Impossible... 😐

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