Chapter 8

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Nicky’s P.o.v.

   After the incident of Louis grabbing my carrots, I walked back to Becca. We were smiling at each other creepily and wiggling our eyebrows at each other. That got us to get 5 weirded out boys. “Umm… what were two just doing?” Harry asked looking kind of creeped out. We didn’t answer since there was a knock at the door. “I’LL GET IT!!” I shouted right in Louis’s ear since he was standing next to me. He started plugging his ear. “I think I’m deaf now.” Everyone just started laughing. “What did you say!?” we shook our heads since no one said anything. I forgot about the door until someone knocked again. “Oh yeah someone’s at the door.” I stated and ran to the door to reveal Ashley holding something in her hands. “Hey Aayn! How are you?” Becca shouted. Ashley just laughed and walked in. I finally saw what was in her hand. OHMYCARROTS!! IT’S MOUNTAIN DEW!!!! Tonight is about to get wild. Muhahaha!! “Ohmycarrots you brought a 24 pack of…..” Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at us. “Beer?” Niall asked looking hopefully. “No… it’s mountain dew. We don’t drink.” It’s true my history consists of an alcoholic dad. Never want to live those days again. Only some good memories, but it’s all good he got help and is living his life to the fullest always traveling. “You don’t drink!?” all the boys asked except Liam since he can’t drink. “Uh… no…” I was getting uncomfortable only Brianna, Ashley, and Becca knew about my past. Not even Niall knew because it happened before I moved to London. “Why not?” Niall asked he looked confused as to why we don’t drink. “I rather not talk about it…” I answered truthfully. I grabbed the mountain dew from Ashley’s hands and went into the kitchen and put it in the fridge. Everyone went into the living room dropping the conversation.

                We were all talking and getting to each other better. Harry and I clicked instantly. “I wonder what is taking Brianna and James so long.” I started getting worried. They usually were on time. “Maybe they are doing to the nasty…” said Harry smiling cheekily. Niall, Becca, Ashley, and I glared at him. I hit him playfully on the arm. “Ow, what was that for?!” he asked rubbing his arm. “Brianna would never do that. And you deserved it.” Before he could say anything the door knocked.

Brianna’s P.o.v.

We walked to Nicky’s place. I could smell the pizza baking from the front door. I knocked on the door. James intertwines our fingers. I looked up at him and smiled. He made me feel like I was the only one in the world. I came back to reality when someone opened the door. Someone I did expect. “Hey Niall. What are you doing here?” I heard familiar voices behind him. I heard Nicky scream “LOUIS PUT DOWN MY CARROTS!”



“LOUIS GIVE NICKY BACK HER CARROTS!” I’m pretty sure that was Ashley.

“YOU’RE GOING TO REGRET IT! LOUIS!” it sounded like Becca.

“Nicky invited us for dinner. Oh where are my manners come in.” he walked to the side so we could walk in. “Hey Brianna and James,” she waved and smiled and chased after Louis who was holding her bag of carrots. “Louis, I’m serious! Give them back!” everyone just laughed at the situation. Louis finally gave up and gave her back her carrots. “Fine, but you have to get me some.” He turned to James, Niall, and I. “Hey Brianna!” he came rushing to give me a hug. “Hey carrot king. How are you? It’s been forever.” I hugged him back. It was good to see them again. “I’ve been wonderful now that you’re here!” I laughed. “Oh my where are my manners. James this is Louis, Niall, Harry, Zayn, and Liam. And of course you know Nicky, Ashley, and Becca.” I said pointing to the boy. They waved and smiled. It was kind of weird if I do say so myself.

                After the introductions were made we had pizza. Everyone was in their own little conversations Nicky was talking to Harry (I swear they are going to make babies one day.) , Ashley was talking to Zayn, Becca and Louis were having a heated conversation about carrots and penguins, Liam and James were talking about not surely what, and then there’s Niall and I we were catching up. “So you and James are in engaged?”

“Yeah, for about 2 days.” I couldn’t help but smile.

“I’m so proud of you.” He smiled his braces showing with his ocean blue eyes sparkling, I missed looking in his eyes.  “So when are you getting married?” now everyone was listening to our conversation. I looked at James who was smiling at me.

“YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED!!??” all the boys asked shocked. James and I laughed at their reaction.

“Yes they are and I’m going to be forever alone with 12 cats…” Nicky stated. I just shook my head and laughed.

“What are you going to name your cats?” harry asked.

“Well… I was thinking of: Pussy, Narry, Bouis, Aayn, Siall, Miam, Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Spankie.” Wow she already named her cats… interesting names. She smiled at her names and drank her 5th can of Mountain dew.

“Awww! You’re naming them after us!? So cute!” Louis shouted.

Everyone started laughing when all of a sudden someone burped. I’m pretty sure it was Niall. “Excuse me.” He started blushing. Nicky looked at him in disbelief. “That’s all you got?” she asked oh no please no not this again! “Yeah what do you think you can do better?” Ashley, James, Becca, and I stared at him with our wide open. “I don’t think I know” Nicky said smirking. Please don’t have a burping contest. “Is that a challenge?” oh why does the world hate me! “Bring it on!” I looked at Nicky. She looked at me and winked. “Niall no don’t do it!”

“Are you afraid she is going to lose?” no I was afraid she was going to win and I know Ashley and James were thinking the same thing; Becca was talking to Nicky giving her a pep talk. “Oh no I’m not afraid she is going to lose I’m afraid you’re going to lose.” He laughed; I looked at him dead serious. And let the burping contest begin. I sighed knowing I wasn’t going to win this. He burped first wasn’t that bad. Here comes a hurricane… Nicky’s turn. She took a sip of her mountain dew and had the biggest burp I have ever heard. Everyone didn’t expect Ashley, Becca, James, and I. we busted out laughing. Becca was congratulating Nicky. “I WIN! IN YOUR FACE!” she jumped from the couch and started doing her victory dance. “How is that possibly?” asked Niall he rubbed his face with his hands. “I tried to warn you…” I said smiling. “That was so AWESOME!!” Shouted Harry and Louis. Nicky stood up and bowed “Thank you, thank you.” Everyone laughed at her.

“Let’s watch a movie!” suggested Ashley. Everyone agreed. “How about the Lion King?” suggested Ashley? Nicky and Harry’s eyes grew wide. “NO!” they said at the same time. “Okay then…” Ashley went to look at the others movies they had. “How about… Poltergeist?” she asked holding up the DVD. Everyone cheered. Nicky texted Ashley, Becca, and I about an evil plan she had. I must say its pretty good plan and I couldn’t wait to do it.

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