7th December

12 0 0

17Days: Hey :)
ItsTooCold: Hi :)

17Days: Are you gonna go to the Winter Ball?
ItsTooCold: Don't know yet.
ItsTooCold: I wanted to go with Jenny but she's going with Josh and I don't wanna be alone in there.
17Days: That was surprisingly sintre
ItsTooCold: Well...
17Days: Did you have an argument with Jenny?
ItsTooCold: No, of course not. I didn't tell her anything. She's happy, anyways, so why would I?
17Days: You're being too nice... again.
ItsTooCold: What do you mean?
17Days: Oh, nothing.

17Days: Anyways, I'd ask you if you wanna go with me but I doubt that.
ItsTooCold: You sound like girl these days. Why do you think I wouldn't?
17Days: Haha, nice simile.
17Days: ...because.
ItsTooCold: But you said you wanna meet.
17Days: Somewhen else, maybe.
ItsTooCold: What? Why?
17Days: Gotta go. Sorry.
ItsTooCold: What? C'mon!
ItsTooCold: Fine. Whatever.

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