9th December

13 0 0

15Days: Hey :)
ItsTooCold: Hi :)

15Days: Are you mad at me?
ItsTooCold: I am never mad, don't you know?
15Days: Yeah, I know. Never mad, always 'just' disappointed.
ItsTooCold: You know me too well.
ItsTooCold: Fuck that.

15Days: Yeah, right. What if I am a fucking stalker, right?
ItsTooCold: Hahaha, yes
15Days: At least one person I made smile today.
ItsTooCold: Huh? What happened?
15Days: My girl broke up with me.
ItsTooCold: Oh shit.
15Days: Haha, you actually made me laugh now.
ItsTooCold: I'm glad.
ItsTooCold: I mean I didn't know whattansay..
15Days: No, that's fine.
15Days: Better.
15Days: I didn't want pity.
ItsTooCold: But you know what you gotta do?
15Days: What?
ItsTooCold: Order a pizza and eat it all by yourself cause there's noone you have to share it with
15Days: Haha, that's so cool! I will do it right now.
ItsTooCold: Haha, okay. Bon apettit.

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