2nd December

22 3 2

22Days: Hey :)
ItsTooCold: Hi :)

22Days: Always the same answer.
ItsTooCold: What?
22Days: Look at our conversations. Every day, the same start.
ItsTooCold: Your fault.
22Days: Maybe. Yours as well

ItsTooCold: Anything new?
22Days: Well not new but still interesting. Wanna know?
ItsTooCold: Shot.

22Days: First thing, I know who you are.
ItsTooCold: And the second?
22Days: How do you know there IS a second thing?
22Days: Plus, isn't it interesting? I bet you still don't know who I am.
ItsTooCold: Well I just know. Are you gonna tell me or not? Oh you are right. Which bothers me a bit but I'll survive.
22Days: Okay then, Miss Idon'twannaait. I wanna meet you.
22Days: Oh will you?

ItsTooCold: You do what?? Yeah, don't be afraid.
22Days: Wait, you don't wanna meet?

ItsTooCold is typing...

ItsTooCold is typing...

ItsTooCold: Of course I want.
22Days: Oh now that sounds convincingly.

ItsTooCold: I'm sorry okay?
ItsTooCold: I was just surprised.

22Days: Convincing again..
ItsTooCold: Make me say it again when we meet, I can't lie eye to eye.
ItsTooCold: But I bet you know that if you know me a bit at least.

22Days is typing...

22Days is typing...

22Days: Fine then.
ItsTooCold: Took you long enough.

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