11th December

7 1 0

13Days: Hey :)
ItsTooCold: Hi :)

13Days: You know what I'm wondering?
ItsTooCold: What?
13Days: If you have such a good -warm- heart (and I know you do), how could you possibly be cold?
ItsTooCold: I know your girl dumped you but that doesn't mean you flirting with me.
13Days: I didn't mean it like that.. I was seriously wondering about this..
ItsTooCold: It's not about the heart, it's about body temperature and the temperature all around.
13Days: That's shit.
ItsTooCold: Haha, you're like a 3 years old now.
13Days: 3 years old me wouldn't say words like shit.
ItsTooCold: Such a good boy.
13Days: I always was.

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