Chapter Two

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My mom was on the floor, dead , and I screamed. I knelt down next to her, "Oh God, what happened to you?!" I whispered to my dead mother. That was the loudest I could talk, I was too traumatized to breathe, let alone speak. She was lying on the floor with a knife in her chest, and blood everywhere. I knew that I should call the police, I needed to call the police.

"Wait..." I said, breathing heavily. "Kendra!" I yelled as I got off of the bloody kitchen floor, warm blood still covering my knees and hands. I ran back up the stairs and down the dark, dissenting hallway leaving bloody footprints everywhere.

I zoomed through her bedroom door and looked frantically all over for her, but she wasn't there. I feel a cool breeze wash over me; only then did I see that her window was open. I slammed into the floor, crying and throwing my fists on the ground. 

After a few minutes, I got up and ran out the door, tripping over my own foot. I crawl to the phone and dialed the numbers 9-1-1, hands trembling.

The 911 call

"Hello, what is your emergency?" I heard the woman on the other line ask.

"My mom's dead and has a knife in her chest. My sister Kendra is gone. I don't know what to do, please help!" I waited for her to answer for what seemed like forever.

"Ok, tell me where you live." She commanded me sharply. I ramble through my brain to remember where I live.

"I can't remember my address." I said quietly, I start to shake everywhere.

"We'll trace the call." She said, "Is there anyone else in the house?" She asked me.

"No." I said as quickly as I possibly could.

"Okay, we will send a team to your location. They will be there as soon as possible." And with that, she hung up.

About five minutes later, I start to hear sirens. I stood up and ran to the door. After another minute, one of the policemen knocked on the door and I opened it. I let them in and they searched the house to make sure that no one was still in the house, some were investigating the scene and putting my mom's body in one of those body bags. 

One of the policemen come up to me and starts asking me a bunch of questions.

"So," the policeman started, taking a small-ish book out of his pack, "who do you know that would do this to your mom; like a boyfriend, a brother or maybe a sister..." I cut him off in the middle of the sentence and told him everything that happened that night.

"My mom's boyfriend was here a little while ago, and was yelling at my mom," I said as calmly as possible, still hiccuping every once in awhile.

"Why was he mad at your mom?" he asked me.

"Because she didn't make a fancy dinner for him and the house wasn't clean, and I think she forgot their anniversary." He nodded and continued to write things down on the yellow paper.

"Does your mom have a planner or phone number booklet anywhere?" I nodded and walked over to the living room. I went up to the television stand and got a black book from the top shelf. I hand it to him and he takes it, looking through my mom's number book and called all of the people that he could find the numbers to.

As he was doing that, I decided to think about all that happened, my eyes widen and I look at the back door. I look around me and walk towards the door cautiously.

 I looked through the window of the back door and see footprints in the crisp, white snow. 

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