4: The Chest

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*Ding ding*
I hate my damn alarm clock always ruining my dreams.
I reach over and turn the clock off.
"Ugg," I mumble as I get out of bed.I go over to my dresser and put my clothes on and then go wash my face in the bathroom. Then I go to the kitchen to eat some breakfast and go to the bus stop. I then wait for like a eternity and finally the bus pulls up.
"Finally," I mumble as I crawl onto the bus.
I sit and wait like yesterday when I remember the chest.
'Hmm I wonder whats in the chest, what could it be?'
My thoughts keep me busy for the entire bus ride.
-At school-
"Hannah I see you chose to dress on the, assassin, side of your family today." "You too." "Yeah well talking about that tonight when you come over I have to show you something." "Cool."
-After school-
"So this is your bus?"
"Yeah, it is. It sucks."
"Lol yes, no offense, but yes."
"Yes, agreed,"
"Is this your stop?"
"Yeah it is, come on."
"So what is this 'thing' you wanted to show me?"
"Oh you will see."
"Ugg just tell me."
"Just be patient,"
"But I dont want-a....."
"Ugg just shut up and come in"
We place our backpacks on the ground and head to my room.
"Omg whats that?!?!?" Hannah points to the chest and heads over to look at it."That my friend is what I wanted to show you.

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