9: Meeting Heros

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I wake up to my name being called.
"Y,n get up we have to get ready....."
"Ready for what?"
"Ready for Pax."
"Omg I forgot."
I jump up and throw the blanket off me, and run to the bathroom.I wash my face and walk back into the bed room, and see Hannah getting ready.
"Hannah I'm so excited to meet my heros!"
"Me too.Wait, how are we going to get there?"
"Um..." I look at my feet and think out load, "Well we could walk."
"Well thats like a 3 hour walk so.... lets get going."
"I'm not even ready yet,"
"Well get ready y,n."
"Okay hold on."
I scramble over to my dresser and look in it. Dang, I have no good looking clothes, so I grab a black shirt and some pants. I run to the bathroom and put the clothes on and walk out.
"Yes Hannah, lets go."
We search through or bags and find our tickets and head out.
Florence is a beautiful place. We walk and chat for a couple of hours and stop for some breakfast near Pax.
"So your really excited to see Jack?"
"Yeah Hannah he has impacted my life some much."
--- After Breakfast ---
We walk up to Pax doors and get stoped by a ticket checker.
"Here you go."
We hand him the tickets and he gives us entry necklaces.
"Thanks, come again."
We walk in and look around.
"This is amazing!!"
"Yeah this realy is."
I look around and think, it is very beautiful here, and I'm about to meet a couple of heros.

"So Hannah where to first?"
"Um... whens the panel?"
Um...," I look at a clock and see the time.
"Um... now!"
"Come on lets go."
We run to the entrance of the panel and strait in.
"Hey this is a no running zone!!!"
We both freeze as we here a familiar voice through a mic yell at us jokingly.
"Hey you two, get up here!!!"
Those last three words hung in the air.
Me and Hannah unfreeze and walk slowly up to the stage as I noticed that I was walking up to THE Markiplier and Jacksepticeye.

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