Chapter Four: Unexpected

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Here is chapter 4! I don't know if anyone noticed but Im working on another story too and Id love it if you would check it out!! Also, I haven't gotten many comments lately and I need feedback! Pleaseeeee!! *puppy dog eyes* OKAY ENJOY (By the way it's back in Nichole's POV)


Chapter 4: Unexpected

With everything going on I manage to clear my head of all my worries. You can barely think over the sounds of the blaring music from the speakers, the screaming fans all around you, and the sound of your own voice belting out the lyrics to every song. This is where I feel comfortable. Surrounded by total strangers, yet having a silent bond with all of them, because of the love for the music we all share. It's hot, and it's ear drum shattering loud, but I feel so calm, so peaceful. Yet exhilarated and happy at the same time. The guitarist throws me his guitar pick, something I will treasure forever. It's a blast.

During a break between bands, Holly and I venture over to the merchandise table. To do this, we have to work our way around the crowd, and along the open bar on the back wall. Walking in back of Holly, we make our way over, squeezing through the too small path created by the club security. About half way there, Holly turns to me, and her eyes immediately bulge out of her skull, and her mouth drops open. She comes to a stop a few feet in front of me and just looks over my head, unable to speak.

"Holly what the heck are you look--"

I begin saying, before I turn around to see what she is looking at, and my mouth suddenly drops open. The gorgeous lead singer of my favorite band is walking right behind me, not even noticing that we have spotted him. I turn around to start walking again but my legs have frozen in place and I can't bring myself to move. This causes him to crash right into me and almost knocking me over, with him being almost a foot taller than me. Before I have the chance to fall, his arms are around my waist and he is steadying both himself and I by doing so. I touch his arm with my hand, and of course take a minute to admire his fascinating tattoos, before regaining my balance. Sliding around to face him, and still in his arms, I look up at him and I know my face is red hot and blushing.

"Sorry a-about that. I didn't mean to..."

My shaky voice starts to trail off, but because of the roaring crowd in the background, it doesn't seem so weird.

Our eyes are locked on each others, and Holly is in the same place, with the same expression of shock on her face.

With me still pressed up against him, he gives me a genuine, breath taking smile, and says

"Don't worry about it, Id happily collide with you any day."

He didn't say it in an perverted, or arrogant way. It sounded so sweet, so honest. Like he really meant it.

And with that, he leans in, kisses me softly on the cheek, holding his lips there for a good 7 seconds.

-not that I'm counting-

And in a low, sweet voice, he whispers in my ear,

"Hope I get to see you again after the show."

With my heart in my throat, I forget how to breathe.

He then releases me, Gives Holly a heart stopping wink, and walks past us, and out the side door.

Not being able to process anything, I turn to Holly, and we both start screaming. Screaming like giddy little girls. A few people stop to give us a dirty look, but we don't care. Nothing could bring us down.

With ear to ear smiles plastered on our faces, and still trembling hands, we continue our journey to the merchandise table. We each buy a t-shirt, and take a picture with the lead singer of one of the other bands. He's cute, with his long hair, nose piercing, and cut off sleeve tank with tan muscles showing.

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