Chapter Six: Enjoy The Ride

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Lucky you guys, I don't have much to say. Thank you for all the reads!!! 33 and counting. I hope you guys are liking the story so far!! ENJOY!!


Chapter 6: Enjoy The Ride

"I wish we could stay here forever."

He whispered to me softly.

Laying out on the hood of his car, wrapped in blankets and cuddling, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. No one was around, just me, him, and the bright shining stars.

"Me too."

I said, while tilting me head to face him.

He kissed my lightly on the lips, my stomach filled with butterflies began to flip. With his strong arm around me, he said

"I love you more than anything, Nic. You're my whole world."

Hearing those words made me feel complete. With our faces only centimeters apart, I began to say something I'd been wanting to say for a while.

"Andrew I lo--"

Stirring awake, I sigh, once again emerging from a dream.

Why do I have to dream about him? Isn't it enough that I have to fight off the constant thought of him during the day? Apparently not.

Reaching for my phone, my eyes widen when I realize the time. It's 1:08pm.

Memories from last night come flooding into my mind and I throw my covers back and run to the shower. I have less than an hour to get ready for my date with RYAN GREY. How will I do it? What if he shows up early? Should I text him saying to come later? No, I can't do that.

Once out of the shower, I realize I don't have time to do my hair. Adding a little anti-frizz product, I do my make-up and get dressed while my hair curls up in its natural way.

Luck is somewhat on my side for once, and I end up not looking too bad considering the time crunch. Once I am completely ready, I check the time once again


Not bad. I think to myself.

Looking in the mirror one last time, I evaluate my outfit.

My slightly worn out deep purple converse are on my feet. Light wash jean shorty shorts with the small studs on the front and back pockets match up well with my loose flowy wide strapped black tank top with the words "Welcome to reality" printed largely in thin metallic print. The tank top is shorter in the front, and exposes a few inches of skin. I put my hands on my hips, nails painted their usual steel grey, and smile in satisfaction.

Then the doorbell rings.

Both my parents are at work as usual, leaving my brother and I alone all day. Neither of us mind really, so it all works out.

Making my way downstairs, I take note of how my brother makes no effort to pause his video game and get the door, and I shake my head with a smile.

Opening the large wood door, I'm greeted by none other than Ryan Grey. I take a second to look him over. His cute short brown hair has a red bandana in it, which not many guys can pull off, and it looks perfect on him. His simple grey t-shirt, tight dark jeans, and old black converse complement him nicely.

Taking off his sunglasses, Ryan gives my an adorable smile. Eyes sparkling, he says

"Ready to go?"

Shutting the door behind me, I say


Following him out to his silver Camaro, I smile to myself because its the car of my dreams. I've wanted one since like 8th grade.

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