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Alex's P.O.V

I took a deep breath, shutting my locker. I adjusted my backpack that was lying on my shoulder and headed to room 213. Detention.

I walked across the hall and turned the corner, maybe we'll do something fun again. Or maybe Ace will be there. Man we dominated at dodgeball. I smirked at the thought and stopped in front of the door. I took a minute to spot who was inside.

Oh you've gotta be shitting me

I saw Brittany leaning on her desk obviously bored out of her mind. She glanced up giving someone a dirty look. I followed her stare and it landed on the second queen b. Drea. I rolled my eyes walked in stopping in my tracks looking for Ace. I let out a long sigh when I remembered he went to that boarding school in Iraq. I spotted 3 spots left.

More crowded than normal. Odd.

One by Brittany. She looked at me then at the seat next to her, then back at me giving me the 'don't you fucking dare' look. Another by Drea, who looked more inviting but still very intimidating. I got a shiver down my spine and shrugged my shoulders to get rid of it. Last one by a girl in the corner with her nose in a book, she looked lost and obviously not used to her surroundings.

I decided to sit by the girl in the corner and I stepped over. Soon getting stuffed to the side by a brunette with a backwards cap, jeans, and a university jersey on. She plumped into the seat next to the nerd and I scoffed.

"Having trouble finding a seat Alex?" I turned to an old man that was my old music teacher. I stuttered.

"Ughh, no why?" I smiled oddly hopping from one foot to another. He pulled down his glasses to the tip of his nose and motioned toward the seat next to Brittany. "Sir, I don't think that's a good ide-" he cut me off and I glanced at Brittany who was in the same state as me.

"Just sit down." I grumbled and looked at Brittany, again second guessing the teachers decision. I gave in and eventually sat down. Brittany scooted to the end of her seat to get farther away from me.

"What's your problem?" I said furrowing my eyebrows at Brittany trying to read her mind. She didn't answer. "Fine be that way," I grumbled. After a little while a lot of kids started falling asleep. Obviously noticing the tired kids the teacher sighed.

"Alright, since a lot of you have found a lot of better things to do..." He motioned towards the brunette that shoved me to the side earlier who was now on the cold, hard ground. (Ohhhh.... Ohhhh.... Trouble trouble trouble... No? Sorry)

"I've decided that the boys and the girls  will be competing..." I raised an eyebrows and looked at Brittany who gave me the same look. "You will all be performing a song. One drummer. Three singers, one guitar. Got it?" Everyone groaned as the teacher smirked. "Yes Mr. Cohn." He mimicked our voice. "Good I'm glad you agree. Girls have the band room, boys have the detention room." He clapped his hands together.

I looked around noticing no one was making the first move, I got up with my bag and started walking. Someone grabbed my wrist.

"What're you doing?" Brittany whispered, I pulled my hand out of her grasp and responded.

"If you don't want another detention I suggest you follow me." I said walking again. I heard feet follow close behind and smirked. I plumped my bag on a chair by the door and turned around noticing the4 girls behind me.



Quiet girl


"Alright what song we singing?" I hesitantly pronounced trying to lighten the mood. They all stared at me blankly. "Okay," I smiled awkwardly and sat down. "I suggest that if you want detention, keep doing what your doing." I took my song book out and started jotting down words.

"Hey! That's private!" I yelled noticing that Drea had taken my book. I chased her around as she read it and tapped her lip with her pencil.

"This is good stuff!" She reaped and sat down. I sat next to her trying to rip it out of her hands again.

I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you

She sang and we all stared at her blankly, she giggled in response,

"What, I took choir for a year... Or two." I smiled and she giggled I put my hand on her thigh,

"No, no, your like really good." I stuttered not even realizing what I said. She blushed. They're was an awkward silence before the brunette spike up.

"Why don't we just sing this?" The brunette said. She noticed she never introduced herself. "Ugh, oh! Sam" she smiled and reached out her hand to shake. I shook it and she asked me with her eyes 'and you are?'

"Alex." I released and then someone spoke up and I was frightened because I thought there was only 4 of us.

"We shouldn't... It's private..." She said hiding her face. I itched the crook of my neck. Sam, Drea, and Brittany looked at me with pleading eyes. I looked up thinking, it came out before I could stop it.

"Fine." I whispered and looked down at my feet.

So? Who's your favorite? Huh huh... TELL ME NOW! Jk jk...

Ok before I get arrested, obviously I didn't write that song it's amnesia by 5sos...

I love all you guys for the support you gave me on my last book...

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