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Brittany's P.O.V.

I groaned into my pillow. I haven't had a blink of sleep this whole week. There's been so much on my mind, and the darkness just gave me more think time. With the tour supposedly coming up soon, I've never been so stressed out in my life. Nor have I ever been so worried about my social status dropping by the second, but one thing has been lingering in my thoughts. That thing was a person, and her name was Alex. I don't know why, or how. Whenever I close my eyes she's just there. Her perfect smile and her dazzling green orbs stared into my closed ones. What really made my heart clench and my stomach go numb was that I think about her. 24/7. All day. I told myself it was because I hadn't liked her, and that she pissed me off. That she played these games with me, like at the movie theatre she would eat out of my popcorn and touch my hand and I'd tense like there was no tomorrow. I tried to play it off as irritability, but boy did I fail. After she touched me the first time I had found it harder to keep my eyes off her. In slight hopefulness that she'd notice my intense stare and look back at me. I don't know why I felt this way, but I did and I hated it. No. No. I didn't hate it I enjoyed it. Quite a lot actually.

What am I saying? I cant like... like... Alex like that could I? Sure I think about her a bunch. I tend to look at her positive attributes rather than her negatives and ever since she basically called me a slut in my outfit, I've been staring at my outfits far longer and asking myself if she'd approve. When the girls told me to look over our videos id find myself looking at Alex for far longer than intended. I clenched my eyes trying to convince myself that this was all just some horrible dream that id wake up to, but the next day hadn't brought what id thought it would.

I found myself walking through the school hallways with a Nirvana shirt that my mom had bought for me when I was younger, it was a tight fit but I was ok with that. I wore jean shorts and black converse with my hair put up into a simple bun. I stopped at my locker to store some books when I heard someone walk up behind me. To my luck my heart started to race and I couldn't help but smile. I turned around to see the girl that couldn't escape my mind for the last couple days.

"Hey Bear." She whispered making sure that nobody heard the nickname I've come to love. The previous smile reached my cheeks and Alex scrunched her nose up in amusement. " Someone took a happy pill this morning." I was speechless so my reaction surprised me as much as it surprised Alex. I embraced her in a hug that was life threatening. After the realization of what was happening she relaxed into my embrace, but then she flinched in pain. I immediately jumped back in fear.

"Oops sorry," I released the tightness in my shoulders and saw Alex grimacing at her fist. I had totally forgotten about the previous events the last week. I reached out to grab her hand. Her skin was soft and fragile because of the bruising. Each slight movement made her tight as I studied it. Just as I was about to lift her sleeve for further inspection she slowly maneuvered her way out of my grasp. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up into her amazingly mesmerizing eyes and she gave me an approving look.

"I'm ok, don't worry." She released my hands and I shivered at the loss of contact. She glanced around and I followed her gaze. Her smile slightly faltered and she whispered " People are looking I should probably leave." She smiled and started to walk away with a frown on her face, but this time I didn't let her leave. I pulled at her wrist and smirked. She glanced down at her wrist in confusion.

"After these last weeks, I could give two shits about who's looking," She gave me a smile that I'd never seen before. It wasn't just happiness, but there was no other way to describe it. She looked me up and down. I turned away to hide a blush, but again I denied how I was feeling toward the slightly taller girl. The reason I blushed? Alex bit her lip when she found how tight my shirt was. Just then I felt soft hands guiding my face back towards her general direction.

"There, now I can see your eyes." She stared deeply into my eyes. So many questions roamed my head. Did she like me? Does she do this with everyone? Why do I feel this way? This distracted me from noticing how close we were, as if we were to move even two inches our lips would slightly brush.

Alex's P.O.V.

I stared into the girls eyes in confusion, usually Brittany would have said something offensive by now. She was acting weird, very weird and that confused me. I tried to read her eyes, but that didn't work like it usually does. Just then someone pushed me to the side full force and I fell to the ground. My wrist caught my fall, of course, so I winced in pain. My blood boiled and I opened my mouth to speak, but a feminine voice beat me to it.

"Hey watch it jackass! I could end you!" She scolded the freshman. I smiled and released a slightly forced laugh and she turned to me offering me a hand up. I accepted with my non injured hand and she pulled me to my feet. Just then another fleet of freshman ran through the halls causing me to catapult towards the smaller girl and put my hands on each side of her. I felt her body and panicked breath warming up my skin. Her knees were slightly bent as I noticed my lips were pressed against her forehead. My eyes scattered. If Brittany had been standing up I would have. I would have kissed her. I pushed myself away from the locker only to be pulled back by her tightened arms. Her eyes were clenched and I tilted my head. What is up with her?

"Ok Britt what's up?" I pushed off of her and she released me. She stared at her shoes and thought intently about her answer. She was obviously hoping that I'd just drop it. " Silence isn't an answer Britt." She looked up at me again and was about to answer before someone called my name.

"Lex?" I turned around to the only girl who ever used to call me that. There Selena stood. Red and black flannel, black skinnies, and her signature red and black converse. I smiled and completely forgot the girls standing next to me and jumped into the older girls arms.

"Why are you here? I thought you graduated!" She hugged me back and she looked back at me and I stared into the familiar brown pools that I once fell in love with. Yes, that's correct. The whole dyke joke wasn't to much of a joke after all. Selena helped me through some rough patches and I always felt the butterflies in my stomach flutter around and stab my insides with pleasure. I had always thought that it was the feeling of having a best friend, but boy was I wrong.

HAPPPY EAARRLLLYYY BIRTHDAY SARAH! I MISS YOU MORE THEN LIFE BABE! I know what your thinking. I know its on the 16th, but its never to early to wish my best friend a happy birthday! Heres the new chapter as promised to the birth month girl! I LOVE YOU! <3 <3

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