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[Mental Breakdown]
Sasuke stared at your distressed form with bewilderment, an expression brimming with worry etched on his white-skinned face. You had your head buried in your arms, your tangled hair tied in a high bun, as countless of tissues surrounded your hunched form, and a few empty tissue boxes. You were silently weeping, hiccuping as you did. Instantly, your raven-haired male boyfriend that was usually very aloof and taunting, morphed into a caring one as he instantly approached you, and hugged you from behind. Gently, Sasuke patted the top of your head like a mother comforting her weeping child.

"[Name], what's wrong?" Sasuke inquired gently, kissing the side of your cheek for reassurance. For the next few moments that followed, you did not speak, and the only sound that filled the room was the sound of your small sobs and hiccups, before you finally began to stammer.

"E-Exams are coming up, and I-I'm going to fail. I'm going to fail Sasuke, and I'm going to end up working unhappily at some dodgy place, and never find true love and I'm going to d-die alone," You stuttered, before you released a high-pitched hiccup, and busted into more tears. Sasuke opened his mouth to reply, but could not find himself to do so, because he found your situation to be a bit bizarre. And so, being the sweet boyfriend he was, he turned you towards him, and simply allowed you to cry on his shoulders, without saying a word. This is because from experience, Sasuke knew that sometimes, a simple gesture is all someone needs to assure them that it is okay for them to express sorrow no matter how minute their problems are.

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