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[Beet Red Cheeks]

"Is that better, [Name]?" Sasuke cooed in your ear, his breath fanning your ear, as a shiver ran down your spine due to his touch.

With beet red cheeks, you trembled as you stammered out a "Y-Yes."

"What about now?" He inquired in a husky whisper, his long, slender fingers rubbing against your skin, as he pecked the nape of your neck. Instantly, the redness on your cheeks spread further across your cheeks, your eyes widening in surprise, and a yelp coming out of your mouth.

"S-Stop," You commanded at the cold yet exhilarating sensation that you felt, your knees trembling in anticipation. Instantly, you regretted saying what you did because the pleasant feeling subsided as Sasuke withdrew his hands to himself. At this, a whimper of protest left your lips and you stuttered,
"W-Why did you stop?"

"Because you told me to stop," Sasuke replied wittily, as he tilted your face upwards with his fingers so he was staring at you. "After all, I wouldn't want to force you into something that you don't want because I'm such a nice boyfriend," He murmured, smirking.

You felt your eye twitch at his response, before you scoffed at him. "Nice my ass-" You began, but you were instantly interrupted.

"Very nice," He corrected, poking your forehead. Instantly, another blush appeared on your cheeks, and before you could reply to Sasuke, he settled his fingers on their previous spot, the back of your neck; massaging it.

"Is that better?" Sasuke inquired, pecking your lips, causing your cheeks to redden more.

You scowled at him in distaste, muttering, "You're such a tease." Your response simply caused the raven-haired male to smirk in triumph.

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