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[Secret Desires]

You and Sasuke walked on the public Konohagakure park's footpath which was shaded due to the enormous trees towering over it. However, rays of sunlight that draped between the leaves of the enormous trees, specked certain spots on the footpath. The thick, humid summer breeze brushed against the surface of your skin, causing your skin to feel hotter.

The black-haired male beside you, casually walked with his hands inside his short's pockets. Meanwhile, you fanned yourself with your Attack on Titan fan, glancing in various directions as you did so, when a certain sight caught your attention. This said sight consisted of a couple laughing, as one jumped on the other's shoulders. Then, the person's shoulder whom they had jumped on, adjusted their significant other on their back, securing themselves, and began walking, giving them a piggy-back ride on their shoulders.

Instantly, bubbles and sparkles formed around you, as a small blush appeared on your cheeks. You began to fan yourself faster, walking behind Sasuke with twinkling eyes as you did so. This caused an expression of confusion to be etched upon his face as he turned around to speak.

However, he was unable to, because as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, he was harshly hit with your fan. This was because you had jumped on him unexpectedly, shouting, "SASUKE, GIVE ME A PIGGY-BACK RIDE!"

And all this resulted in was you jumping on him, and causing him to fall backwards on the footpath, harshly, receiving strange looks from other humans around you.

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