Chapter 3

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I arrived home and tossed my shoes in the mud room. Quickly I ran inside to find my mom and ask her about the 'emergency'. I knew it was probably some kind of a bologna excuse to get me here but I went with it so no issues would arise. I was shouting her name and after 10 minutes of no response somebody decided to talk.

"Mom is not here. She went shopping for food." Nanna said with an annoyed tone. She was setting up the TV so she would not have to talk to the rest of us.

"Oh. Ok~ Where is dad then?" She looked at me even more annoyed than before. Her face said it all what she thought about me. It was almost like hearing her thoughts in a whisper 'How dumb are you?' But I stilled stared at her waiting for an answer. She sighed and clicked her tongue at me "They went together. You know how they are." Finally the TV was up and running and she sat on the floor waiting for her food to come. There was no more conversation between us. So I ran upstairs into my room. The place was a mess. I wasn't really feeling like cleaning it up so I left my boxes laying around. I laid down on the hardwood floor and stared up at the ceiling. My mind was wondering back to that guy I met. He was so hot, literally too. Unfortunately no matter how good looking he was, I knew I wouldn't be interested for very long. I would see his flaws and then slowly he would try to make the relationship serious and just with that thought, my interest was lost. It was always like this. I meet new people, they are fun at the beginning and then that's it. They try to open up to you and start talking about serious topics and all the while all I can think about is how to run away. See the problem is that I already had time to think about all my issues. I knew what the answers were, I just didn't feel like solving them. That is why I never had friends. They would always say 'You're so insensitive.' or 'You're cold.' or even 'You're such a bitch.' There were a couple people who would try to teach me life lessons like 'You can't always have fun.' or 'Life is serious. You won't end up anywhere if you continue like this.' I mean I see there point but I want a life which I can enjoy as much as I can and that mostly happens when you are young.

My eyes suddenly felt heavy and I fell asleep.


I felt a shove/tap. My eyes snapped open and there was my mom.

"Time to eat. We got some mexican since it was a majority vote." She smiled gently at me. I only grunted and rolled on my side. The floor was so hard and my body ached from not moving around. I decided the best option was to stand up. My mom had already left by the time I was slowly standing. I dragged my feet to the bathroom and washed my hands. I sluggishly went down the stairs and entered the kitchen. The lights were so bright that I winced and groaned. I almost wished I had a gun to shoot the lights out or maybe the less violent way by getting my sunglasses. Instead I settled with dragging my legs to a chair. I looked around and noticed that we actually had furniture. I was happy so my lips turned upwards. My sister looked at me with a look of disgust on her face. Her comment was not too far from her reactions "Eww. Your smile looks like a serial killer. It's creepy. You should stop." My half-assed chuckle was just as bad that it made Nanna complain to mom about how I might not have taken my meds or that I ran away from an insane asylum. I just brushed her off and looked at the food. My mouth was watering at this point and I grabbed the first thing that looked appealing.

"Now honey, we are not cave men. Your manners please." I simply nodded just so that I wouldn't have to hear anymore of her complaints. I looked down at my hands and saw the beef and its juices sliding down my arm. I shrugged and wiped it on my clothes. Both my mom and sister looked appalled and were ready to chew me off about manners and how unladylike that was.

"Look. I know what your going to say but this shirt is already full with other permanent stains. We are in the house anyway and its just us. Nobody cares." I quickly cut them off before they started their barrage of comments. My dad looked at me with a smile on his face. When my mom's head whipped towards his direction, he had to strain his smile to make it look more serious. It looked weird and I couldn't stop from holding my laughter in. She quickly told him to say something to me. I kept on laughing and while he was trying to lecture me his voice would crack from trying to hold in his own laughter. My mom gave up on him and my sister was displeased about everything. When we both calmed ourselves down. We continued our dinner with some small talk and fun.

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