Chapter 1

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Summer is the best time of the year. It is hot and all you feel like doing is sleeping or lazing around. Take me for example, I am lying on my outdoor pillow, relaxing as I look up the sky. The clouds were all puffy and beautifully spread out. The only thing that could ruin this, is if somebody came back home. As if on queue, I heard somebody walk up the porch steps and with my curiosity I checked it out. I peeked over and saw my sister walk into the house. I internally groaned, while I started counting down from 60. I was just waiting for her to shout for me to come inside and do something. I hit the number ten and I started to mentally prepare myself for her to start the uproar. When I reached three, I heard it.

"KORRINE!" she hollered. I was instantly up. There goes my peace. "KORRINE, WHERE ARE YOU?" she repeats that over for another 5 times even though I had answered her. She wouldn't give up shouting, until I was right in front of her.

"Yeah." I answered her bored with a little irritation in my voice.

"Where is the pizza pan?" I almost face palmed myself. Key word, almost.

With an underlying hint of a sharp tone to my voice I answered her like always. "Where it always is."

"Uh... you think I didn't check there. Why else would I ask you?" she made herself sound like she was better than me. If I tried to argue I would get nowhere in the whole situation and all I wanted to do was leave. So the best thing to do was to let her believe that and take it in. Instead, I just sighed and walked over to where it was, in the bottom cabinet. I shuffled through some other baking pans and at the bottom, there it was. What a surprise.

"Here it is." I gave it to her. I walked over to where I came from, deciding to go to my little peaceful heaven that I created, only to be stopped 5 seconds later.

"Um... Do you put oil on the pan or do you put butter so the food won't stick?" At that moment the only thought that hit me was 'Why do you think people invented google?' I told her over my shoulder to use the butter for a better taste and before she could even ask anything else I left as quickly as possible.

Since my peaceful time was interrupted, I didn't feel like going back. I chose to go to the closest convenience store to buy some chocolate chip cookies, my greatest weakness. Everytime I bite into one cookie, I moan and roll my eyes back. So.Good. When I came back I saw my parents' cars were back which meant they were here. I walked in and I gave both of them a bear hug asking the typical question of how are you ect.

Suddenly, my dad told the whole family we had to talk. Usually when it involved my dad and 'talking' it means it was something bad. So I prepared myself for the worst thing, like sending me to the army or something along those lines.

"Did everybody get what they needed, went where they had to go, did what they had to do?" we all nodded our heads "Good. No interruptions. Well then, we are moving next week. Pack your bags." Wow dad, way to go. You put this so nicely (sarcasm). I like my dad's bluntness. I know what to expect and where I stand and he doesn't beat around the bush. But my sister isn't like me so she reacts differently to it.

"WHAT?! What do you mean move? And by next week to? I have my friends, I also have my boyfriend, I was going to start my part time job. I have a life here." Her voice turned into a painful shrill at the end. She is technically right, but she can start over again in the new place. There is enough time to settle down, since it is the beginning of July.

"Now listen sweetheart, I know you had plans, but we can't do anything about it. I bet you can find a new job and friends. At the same time you can still keep in contact with your boyfriend and old friends too. It won't be bad. Think of it as seeing another piece of the world you haven't seen before." My mom tried to soothe her, but it didn't work. She started crying tears of frustration that she wasn't getting her way. I simply rolled my eyes. I loved the idea of moving. I can't stand being in the same place for too long. I constantly need change.

My dad looked a little irritated at Nanna's reaction. "Do you want me to quit my job?" he tried to put it gently.

"No." she mumbled.

"Then I have no choice but to move. And wherever I go, my family comes with me." he said the last sentence in such a way that left no space for argument. My sister was sulking, while I smiled at my parents to show them that I was fine with the decision.

Just one week until we move. What a great thought.

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