Chapter 2

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New land, new people, new everything. I was genuinely excited. My whole face was glowing with how things were turning out. On the other side there was my sister, she looked the exact opposite of me. She literally almost cried because of how badly she did not want to be here. I was going to her side to comfort her and within a foot distance she spun her head and glared at me. And just like that I was gone.

I shout out to my mom saying that I was planning to explore where ever we are. She furrowed her eyebrows in disagreement but I knew what she was thinking. "Mom, Nanna is not in the mood for sisterly love and I refuse to have the grinch next to me grouching about how horrible her life is at this moment. I just want to have fun. Don't worry! I'll be fine." She hesitated before agreeing. "Call me in an hour to make sure you aren't lost."  I yelled an "OK" and I was out the door.

It was pretty hot outside, so hot I could legit see the heat waves bouncing around. I quickly scurried down the driveway before my mom changed her mind and I started walking around. The place was a small town but not too small where your neighbors knew what underwear you owned. It had its fair share of a forest or greenery which I was happy with. Further down there was a shop that sold milkshakes and a block away there was another shop that sold bubble tea? Curious to find out what the heck that was I walked into the tiny shop and ordered a juice. Apparently I learned that you can order juice or tea and then they add these little chewy ball things at the bottom. I tried it and I fell in love. I considered staying in the overly air conditioned shop but preferred walking in the heat and that is what I did.

As I continued on my mystical journey, I found myself in the rich kids neighborhood. I almost spun around on my heels and quickly decided to leave not wanting to deal with lawsuits and snobs, but I noticed this interesting house that I could not deny inspecting it. I walked over to the house and like a creeper I started staring at it and inspecting it. The place looked old but it had a charm to it that no other house in the neighborhood had. I walked up the steps, even though I knew I was trespassing, and went closer to it like I was being pulled in by a magnet.

A voice snapped me out of my peculiar state and I turned around to leave the property. Walking down the steps I heard the voice again and decided to look up and see where it was coming from. Across from me was a guy, who looked a bit older than me, sweating up a storm. The very first thing I noticed were his ice blue eyes. I looked at the rest of his face and I noticed there were some very defining features he had. 

"What are you doing?" he asked in a low voice. I quickly snapped out of my daze and blushed at my awkward staring.

"Well I was checking out this cool house and then..." My eyes moved upwards as my words stopped because obviously I was not going to tell him that I was checking him out. I heard him chuckle and my eyes slowly went to his lips. The smile was soft and playful; it actually made me smile and chuckle, however, my chuckle was a lot more awkward and lame. His smile quickly turned into a smirk when he saw my reaction.

"Are you new here?" he asked and I was about to answer until my butt started vibrating and a melody was playing. I quickly whip out my phone from my back pocket and looked at the screen. Mom. I was contemplating whether to hang up and continue talking to hot stuff. But knowing my mom and her concerns, I stuck to answering it.

"Hold on a moment." I told the sweaty mess. In a lower tone I start talking to my mom. "Hey mom. What's up?"

"You have to come back home. Now." She seemed a bit angry but I decided to ignore her tone and act oblivious to her attitude.

"What? Why?" 

"We need help right away. Come over." I rolled my eyes at her words and unwillingly agreed to her commands. I turned around and came face to face with glossy boy. I completely forgot that he was around and felt embarrassed. I felt my face heating up. His smirk grew bigger while his confidence grew stronger with my reaction.

"So are you going to answer my question?" He asked playfully.

"Nope. I can't. I have to go." At first his face looked surprised and then he chuckled. He quickly followed up by saying "It's a simple yes or no." My legs were already moving towards where they came from; however, my body was still facing him as I shouted "Sorry, I am already gone." The back of my body hit a sign as I was still walking backwards and I fell to the ground. The guy bursted out laughing and quickly came running towards me.

"Are you okay?" He offered his hand towards me. I grabbed it very willingly and pulled myself up. Tears were forming in my eyes because of the pain. "Oh shit. Did you break anything?" I giggled and laughed at his concern.

"I'm fine. It's whatever." I smiled and shrugged at him. He reciprocated my smile with one of his own. I swooned and blushed a bit. I quickly remembered my mom was waiting for me and like that I quickly said bye and ran, this time looking forward.

But I forgot one thing. What was his name?

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