The Club

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"So, let's start the list," Mathias said, taking the lid off his pen and getting ready to write.

Thinking for a second, I answered, "Well, I've always wanted to go to a club,"

"Oh, that can be easily arranged," Mat smiled, writing 'club' down. "You don't mind if a few of my friends come too, do you?" once I shook my head, he added, "awesome."


The music could be heard from dozens of meters away from the club. Mathias, after about half an hour of trying to find a parking space, parked his car, "We are here."

"This looks like the shittiest bar," I murmured whilst getting out of the car and starting to walk towards the line outside the entrance.

"Don't judge a book by its cover," Mat scoffed and caught up to me, "this bar has practically everything. Good music, a big variety of booze, chicks," he winked at me as he said that last part.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the ground. Just like in the Battle of the Bands, everyone looked very intimidating and old(er than me, which they probably were). The bouncer noticed Mat and grinned at him. He let us through immediately and we got a bunch of stern looks from everyone in the queue.

The club smelt of sweat. And alcohol. The music was loud and obnoxious, the exact opposite of what I listened to. Mat seemed to be enjoying this, however. He grinned at me and motioned me to follow him with his hand. I am sure I looked extremely uncomfortable as I squeesed through a number of both men and women who casually eyed me up and down. My mind was confused as to whether I should be uncomfortable or pleased with this but I decided to just ignore it.

"Is this a gay bar?" I questioned as Mathias and I walked over to the bar and he put up two fingers at the bartender. The bartender smiled and started mixing something together.

"LGBT friendly," a voice came from behind us. We turned around to see that the voice belonged to Gilbert. He smiled at both of us. "How else would our Matty get in here?"

I raised my eyebrow and looked over at the blond. He grinned and awkwardly scratched his neck.

"Francis, Toni! I found them," Gilbert shouted and two tall guys walked over to him.

"Bonsoir Emil," the blond one said, smiling at me. I forced a smile onto my face and nodded at the French man.

"It's been ages since I last saw you two," Mat said and bro-hugged the two others. He was just generally a bro so everything he did, he did bro-like. I hated bros.

I stood awkwardly while the four guys next to me caught up on life. I took a few more swigs of the drink that the Dane ordered for us and deciding that it tastes like ass, put it down. I turned my attention from the four next to me to everyone else in the club. A number of couples were making out on the couches in front of me, some more than making out but less than actually fucking. A few people were dancing nonstop on the dance floor to the loud, mainstream music and chewing their cheeks. I gulped at the thought of taking drugs and as much as I did not want to admit it, I was paranoid about taking anything. If I did learn anything in biology class, it was that drugs stay in your blood for a while. I don't know if Lukas has some super accurate drug testing machine in his room but I'm not ruling out the possibility of him having one.

I took another swig of the beverage.

"You alright there, Emil?" Gilbert laughed and bro-patted me on my back. I forced a smile onto my face and laughed awkwardly.

Antonio walked over to my other side and placed a hand on my shoulder, "of course he is alright. He is just looking at all the ladies," as he said that, his hand motioned to the dance floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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