Chapter 56 - Make up

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Aroha's Pov *Nine months later*

I love it when we fight just to make up, funny how bad words turn to making love. 

I woke up early to cook breakfast for my daughter, my sister & my aunty.

Before I could even walk to the kitchen, I heard my baby girl cry.

"Can't we get through one morning full of sleep?" I groaned walking towards her cot and picking her up.

"Morning" I kissed her forehead before putting her down and walking to the kitchen with her trailing behind me.

"Are you gna help mama cook breakfast for you aunties?"

"Um. no" She smiled before walking to the lounge and jumping on the couch.

Hoii, must be my daughter

I got out the pack of bacon from the freezer and began cooking.

Once I was finish, Hope was back asleep and the two sleeping beauty's were awake for my cooking.

"aww shot Roha" Vienna smirked helping me set up the table

"Thank you little sister" Hinemoa helped as well.

After waking up hope, we all said Grace before eating.

"Sooo, what's your plans today?" - Hinemoa

"Might go take Hope to the park, just some 'us' time"

"Which one?" - Vienna

"The one close by with the massive rugby field next to it and the big play area"

"Oh cool, Me & Hine are gna go Sylvia park when you leave, gonna go get some new Nikes" - Vienna

After breakfast we all packed away and began getting ready for our day. I dressed Hope in black shorts, a blue top and her blue nikes. I settled with black tights, a white tee and my black converses.

Although she had my eyes, her hair was as dark as her fathers.

I braided both our hair and grabbed my keys. Her hair grew quickly for a baby.

"We're off now!" I yelled 

Hope yelled something I couldn't understand before holding my hand and following me.

Arriving at the park, it wasn't as packed as usual. 

There was a large family occupying the rugby field, a family reunion from what I could see. I took Hope to the playground and sat in one of the nearby benches.

Hope was smiling, from the slide. I took out my phone and captured photos of her. Who knew all I needed was a little girl to keep me smiling?

Two men approached the play area and called all the kids (in Tongan) to go back to the shelter near the rugby field. One of the guys looked at me like he knew me... I was uncomfortable. The playground was like a ghost town with only around 6 kids besides Hope still playing after the Tongan kids left.

Must be Tongan families, I laughed to myself.

It wasn't even lunch time and I was already planning where to eat after this.

Unknown Pov

"Far Uce, glad you finally came down to NZ" My cousin George was happy I finally decided to visit my family in New Zealand.

"I've been meaning to come, this was a good excuse to tell my evil sister" I laughed.

"How is she anyways? Haven't seen her since she was a baby"

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