Chapter 37 - Endless love

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Maiki's Pov

As I walked out of the hospital room,

I saw her

It made me realise how fucked up, things were between us.

How I want- no need to fix everything that needs fixing.

"Aroha" The word I've learned to say everyday. The name that is tattoo-ed in my heart and mind. The name that always made me smile because of the person who inherited it.

How beautiful she is. How awkward she was at time, but she never minded.

"M-maiki" I heard her voice break as she turned around.

This is what I hate.

Seeing my girl cry . . . and knowing it's because of me.

No matter how happy we are, we are always meeting with tears.

She rushed over to me and hugged me. Pressing her body against mine, I wrapped my hand around her, for the first time in a while. I missed her warm touch.

I was smiling until I felt wet tears on the back of my shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey. I want to see your beautiful eyes. You know I hate it when you cry" I pulled back and cupped her cheek with my hand, wiping away her tears.

She dropped to her knees. Cover her eyes with her palms.

"Roha . Tell me what's up. I want to hear your voice"

"I-I missed your fat head so much" She chuckles giving me a quick peck on the lips.

Is that really all I get after all these months.

"Come here" I smile hugging her tightly.

The truth couldn't roll out of my mouth. I didn't want to ruin our moment. I didn't want her to keep her distance from me again. I never want that to happen ever again.


Meleane's POV

I just couldn't stop smiling.

We are all happy, even with our little incomplete family.

We were complete to each other.

"Hey Mels, Roha's been gone away. Why don't you and Vienna go see where she is" Hinemoa suggested.

I nodded and took Vienna by the hand.

"Laquasia's baby is very beautiful" Vienna smiled.

"Yes she is" I agreed.

As we turned the corner, I found my little sister embraced in the arms of . . . Wait? That can't be . Can it?


"Hey ? Isn't that Aroha?" Vienna whispered.

"Yes it is"

"What's she doing? Who's that guy?"

"He is Aroha's boyfriend. Look at them, young love"

"Why is she crying?" Did he hurt her!"

"Vienna quiet down. She's crying because she hasn't seen him in months. She's not hurt or anything."

"If they love each other, then why have they been apart for so long?"

"Aroha & Maiki aren't the normal couple you'd come across. There is always something out to ruin their relationship. But our sister is so strong, she never gives up on love"

"C-can I go and meet him?"

"Ok, just don't be to loud"


Maiki's Pov


We both pull back.

A little girl maybe 6 or 7 was standing. Long blonde hair, brown skin with light blue eyes. She was like a younger version of Aroha.

Could she be her daughter?

"Uhh . . . Maiki" She clears her throat.

"This is my little sister, Vienna. Vienna this is my friend Maiki" Aroha smiles. I was kinda disappointed since she introduces me as her friend.

"No need for the lies sis. I know he's your boyfriend. I'm young not stupid" Vienna smirks.

"I'm Vienna Tauali'i. If you hurt my sister, I'll hurt your face" She smiles extending her hand to shake mine.

"Vienna, don't worry. I promise I'll never hurt your sister. But if one day I do, I'll hurt myself first" I shake Vienna hand.

A tear strayed away from Aroha's eye.

"I think I better go. I'm making my sister cry" She whispers into my ear before walking away.

"Sister?" I raise a brow to Aroha.

"It's a long story" She shakes her head.

"Ok, I won't ask." 

" You haven't been answering my skype calls lately. Everything alright?"

"Yeah, It's just I've been" I took a deep breathe. Debating with my mind what my next word will be. I didn't want to lie to her face.

"You know how much I missed your ugly face? Don't ever leave me like that again" She sighed running her hands along my jawline.

 Her last sentence cut me. I have to return to Australia to fix up the stuff I just left.

"I've missed your annoying laugh too, egg" I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. Even though we've been apart for 4 months, It felt like a century without her.



Guess I had writers block for this chapter

Hope you guys like this :)

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