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17  April  2015
The Night  Everything  Broke
I  posted some long ass thing  about  my  feelings about  her  on Wattpad.  I  had 2 anxiety attacks  that  morning.  I  was broken, happy, sad  and  angry all  at  once. I  spoke  to  my  “two  close sources”  the  night before, when  they  told what  happened with  the other two (sadly, I can’t  put  names here).  Yes,  I  was  probably overreacting  about  the whole thing, but  you will  never  understand  how  much  emotion I went through. I didn’t sleep at all after writing that entire chapter.

Mid-May 2015
You  came into my  life.

So,  this was the time  where I  guess  I  was just  in  fucking  shambles.  I got  more depressed than I  already was, and my  life completely turned around.  My marks  only got  worse, and I  started  talking  less to people I used to  speak to. This was also  the time  we started talking  more, and I  still  have  the BBM and  WhatsApp  chats from  June  onwards, and I  deleted the rest from  my  mind  when I got my phone  back, but  I  kept ours, because those were special, and I  never  want  to forget them,  (but  also because  BBM  are  fucking  money  whores and  won’t  let  me  delete  the rest  permanently).  Back  to May,  you  were the only person I  really spoke  to.  Besides  another  friend,  (again, can’t  mention  names), you were the only person I  could see  every day,  and  continue the  chats with.  During class, the 27th  May,  you  told  me  about  how you lost someone  really close to  you.  I  couldn’t  exactly relate,  but  it  was so important  to you,  and the fact that  you trusted  me  with this  dually shocking  to me,  I  knew I had to keep  this trust.

June  2015
#Love  -_-

I  dreaded this part  so much.  So,  I’ll  get  straight  to the point.  I  told you I loved  you. Fucking  hell, I loved you so  much. At  this point, I had things straight  for a while. I  knew who I loved, but  you  never  forget your  first  love. As  much  you want  to,  you never will,  because  they’re the  person who  gets you in this  state of  “Love”, and they make you understand it.  More  on  that  later. So,  we went  through  this entire thing  of saying  it  to each other  for the next 5 months and 2 weeks.

9  July  2015
Around  17:00  -  19:00
Officially Dating
so wow such  couple many  cute
A/N: You will  never  get  rid of  my  sense of  humour, not  matter  the situation.

So,  yes. The day  I  contemplated killing  myself. You and someone  I’ll  focus on a  bit  later, basically told me  not  don’t do it.  Now looking  back, it’s  kind of  stupid thinking  I  almost killed myself  over  such a  stupid reason.  You told  me,  how  much you  loved me,  and that  convinced  me  to listen to you a bit  more. You told  me you  had feelings for me,  which  I  also told you a few days earlier. Basically,  yes the  moment  my  life changed.

10  July  2015
Between 16:00  –  17:00
Fucking  phone broke.

I  dropped  my  fucking  phone on  some  fucking  stone steps, which caused a  range of  problems for  me,  communication wise,  and talking to you. November 2015 Exam Month.   Another  part  I  dreaded writing. So,  after  months of  things going  pretty well, I only saw  one  problem. Communication.  We were always talking, but  there was a  weird silence  sometimes, and I  realised this earlier  when we dating. Now this part  might  get  you a bit  confused.  I  don’t  know. So what happened is I  spoke to her, and from  what  I  understand, I think she was going through  this thing  of  “talking  to a  brick  wall”.  Anyway, this might  sound rude,  and I’m sorry if  it  does,  but  I  felt  the same.  I  never got  anything  much of  a conversation,  but  I  certainly enjoyed the time we spent  after  school.  Those were some  of the best moments ever. So,  if  you  remember  the time  we sat  by rocks next  to the field after our  Business Studies exam I  think it  was,  I  explained why I wanted to break  up that  time.  I  was trying  to reduce the stress in  your  life,  by not  letting  me  get  between the trust  between  you and  your  parents, but  fuck, I  don’t  know how, but  you somewhat  convinced me, without  you  even  knowing  it,  to keep dating.  Fuck, I’ll  give  you props. December/January 2015
The longest part  you’ll  read.
The  “Oh  shit, did  he just  say that” chapter.

Basically,  everything  happened here. Okay,  so this was  literally  the turning  point  in  my  life. Only you’ll  get this.  I  hope you do  it  later.  I  really do.  Anyway, after  Turning  Point®, I got  thinking, which completely  fucked  me  up by the  way.  So came the moment, and trust  me;  I  thought  about  this for 2  weeks.  I  never wanted to do it  this way,  but  I  didn’t  want  you to come  to school  on the first  day,  with you  smiling, then you leaving  heartbroken and crying  or  shocked  or  anything  like that.  I  do regret  ever doing the way I did it, but  there  was never  any  other  way of doing  it  as soon as possible. So,  you told  that  you  didn’t  understand exactly  why I did it.  Now I understand why you would be  confused, but  I  don’t  what  you expected,  cause I’m the most confusing  guy ever.  That’s why I wanted space for  a few days.  So I  could get everything  out  at  once  so it  wouldn’t  be confusing  to understand,  but  you never  gave  it  to  me. That’s why I got so  rude.  You never  gave me the chance  to let me think,  even  though I  asked you several  times.  So I’m sorry for  blowing off  like that, but  it  was simply because you got  me  frustrated  that you never  gave me  the space,  but  now that  we’re here I’m going to fully explain everything. -------------------------------------------------

So,  the  conversation  thing  is part of  it, but  that’s not  the most important  thing.  “Her”  is not  even  the  biggest reason.  The biggest reason  was that  nothing  felt  right  anymore.  I  felt  as I  was putting  so much pressure  on  you to hide this entire thing, and I  didn’t  want that.  As much I  was enjoying  your time, I  didn’t  enjoy that  it  was all for  the wrong  reasons.  Please just  understand that  I  never  wanted this to end.  It’s just  personal  reasons, so  you never did something wrong. Now with  “Her”.  It’s simple basically. I’ve  mentioned the  “Love”  thing already, but  I’m  not looking  to date  her  at  all.  I  just  simply want  to find time  with  her  to ask  her  where our friendship lies at  the moment.  So no  stress there. I  just  want  to fix  the friendship.  That’s all.

So I hope that  explained everything.  There  are probably answers for any other questions in there. That’s all  I  have  to say.  


This is all messy, but I'm to lazy to fix it 😛

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