1. uS

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You came. We talked. Now we're here.

I've never been the romantic type I must admit. Nor have I ever been the relationship type, and I realised this once I looked back at previous years and realised someone always gets hurt in the end.

It was different I must admit. Usually I don't exactly talk to people when I first see them, but you seemed, different, so I took the risk and I got way more than I bargained for. I learnt things I never thought I would come across so early in my life. I revealed a different side of myself to you that no one has ever seen.

I know I've said quite often that I'm an open book and you can literally ask me anything, and I would answer it, and I've given you the opportunity several times, but you always you always turn it down and tell me the same thing. You always want to learn about someone overtime. I know if I gave this opportunity to someone else in my life, half of them wouldn't hesitate to ask questions. Now I can totally understand why you want to take your time. You don't want to get caught up in other people too quickly. Now, for reasons quite obvious, we're not the biggest "people" fans.

We've both been left broken, shattered or torn apart all because of people. It would be wrong to compare each other's experiences, stories and say one has been hurt more than the other, because in the end, we both ended up with pain.

I've been putting myself on a tight rope with you keeping me balance and I've been taking risks telling you to just let go for just one moment and let's see what happens, but it never seems to end well and I always ask for your assistance every time, cause well, you're what's keeping me up at the moment.

A lot of people would read this and assume this is what love is like, but I certainly know, this is not even close to love.

I've fallen in love twice, which now that I think about it, is twice too many times (no pun intended). Cause the first time, I... I just don't know how the hell it happened, and it took a really long time to realise I was in love with this person. I still remember the day I revealed, basically everything and it was it was one of the most agonising and tense days of my life. I was restless. Dying on the inside, trying to get my life in order.

So, it hasn't exactly been a lot of time knowing you, but this unwinding connection can slowly form into something beautiful.

22:52 Saturday, 26 March 2016

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