Now it's all revealed.

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~Chapter 10~

Pain, without love

Pain, I can't get enough

Pain, I like it rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

-Pain by Three Days Grace


"Luke, what's going on?" I asked him when he was close enough to hear me. He looked at me straight in the eyes and I saw so many emotions in there. Anger, disappointment and the worst of all, hurt. 

"We'll talk inside." he said coldly, opened his door and got inside. I was so nervous and I had a bad feeling. I followed him inside and closed the door. He had his back turned to me. After some minutes of silence and as I wondered if I had to comfort him he spoke. "Why?" he asked. His voice was filled with hurt and anger. I was confused. 

"What?" I asked. I couldn't imagine what he was talking about. Without turning to look at me he continued.

"Why the hell did you played me like that?" he asked. What? Did he know about my plan? How?

"I don't know what you mean." I said tying to save it. He couldn't know about it, he probably meant something else. He finally turned to face me.

"You don't have to act anymore. I know everything." he said. "I know what you planned on doing, I know you wanted me to fall for you and then hurt me! I KNOW!"  I couldn't move, I couldn't say anything. I just watched his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes that were filled with hate. When I realised that what I saw was hate, I felt my heart ache. He hated me. With all I did I managed to make him hate me and know I hated myself even more. 

"Let me explain." I tried to say with the tears ready to stream. He took a step closer. 

"What? What will you say? That this isn't what I think it is? I know what this is. You made this beautiful plan just to have fun with me. What I don't understand is why didn't you break up with me when I first said that I love you, why did you said it back. Was it to make it even more painfull? Because if this is what it was, then you can be happy know, you did it right, I couldn't be hurting more than I do right now!" he said. He wasn't shouting but I could hear the anger in his voice. He wasn't shouting but that made his words even worst. 

"No, please let me explain! I meant it when I said it! I love you Luke, I really do!" I said but he stopped me. 

"Save your lies for someone who believes them. I'm done here. I never ever want to see you again. I HATE YOU!" he said. He said he hated me and it felt like he stabbed me with a knife. He walked to the door and opened it. "I want you to leave and never talk to me again!" He wanted me out of his life...


After I left his room I was numb. Some minutes later all I could feel was pain. I walked and walked and walked just to make my pain physical trying to stop the pain in my heart. I walked for hours inside and outside the school. I could see all the students that were watching me as I walked passed them. I must have looked awful but I didn't care anymore. 

Hours later, I couldn't walk anymore. I fell on the ground a little further from the school and cried my eyes out. I lost track of time and by the time I stopped crying it was already dark. I stood up and made my way to my room. I opened the door and the lights. Kayla was sleeping so I tried not to make any noise. I looked at the clock before going to the bathroom. It was three o' clock in the morning. I got to the shower and cried again. When I was out of the shower I heard a knock on the bathroom's door. 

"Ang, are you okay?" I heard Kayla ask. I wore my pajamas and opened the door. She was right outside. "Are you okay? I think I heard you crying!"

"I was." I said and started again. She hugged me and lead me to my bed. When she asked me I started saying what happened with me and Luke. "I can't understand." I said. "Who could have told him? The only ones who knew about this was me and you." That was when I realised it. "Wait a second." I said and looked at her. "Kayla?"

"I'm sorry!" she said and I felt betrayed. "I told him. He had to know." 

"I was going to tell him but I waited the right time. Why did you do it? Okay, you wanted to tell him but why didn't you told him the whole truth, that I stopped everything because I love him?" I asked trying to understand. She stood up.

"Because I love him to Ang! I couldn't see you be happy with him while I wasn't. He has to be mine not yours!" she said and I felt another knife in my heart.

"What? But you were my best friend and I asked you many times if you're still in love with him and you said no. You were my best friend Kayla. How did you do this to me?" I asked betrayed. 

"I had to. I knew I would hurt you and that was what I was going for, I wanted to hurt you. You stole him from me!" she said with malice. I couldn't believe what she said. My best friend wasn't really my friend!

"You're wrong! HE left YOU!" I said. "I can't believe you did this to me and to him! I hate you!" I said and left the room...


New Chapter! Chapter 10!

It's too late and I'm really really sorry! 

So Luke now knows and Kayla betrayed Angelica! Hmm...

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                          xoxo Maggie!

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