~Chapter 4~

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*not edited*

"Nat. Nat Prat. Honey Pie...."I hear the sound of Maxuel disrupting my sleep. I groan, slowly opening my eyes. I rub my eyes, yawning in the process. When I'm finally ready to be social I look over to Max leaning over his seat and a hand resting on my shoulder. 

"Honey Pie? I mean I do love pie, but..." I giggle. I did like the little names he'd call me. It was.... different. 

"Yea, I thought it'd suit you," He smiles,"Anyways, we're here." He motions with his hand for me to look up at the window. Realizing I was still in my sleeping position, I straighten up resulting in Max's hand slipping off mt shoulder. I look out of the window, and what I saw was absolutely magnificent. There was a forest where we were now, trees of all kinds stretching past the eye's capability to view anymore. The snow was everywhere, it looked so magical in person. Eager to get outside, I open up the door, slipping out. The feeling of the snow beneath my feet was amazing, and I starting walking around more, touching trees, feeling like a fiver year old who got candy. I hear someone laugh slightly behind, so I look back, seeing one of the most beautiful sights. Since it was slightly snowing, you could see small patches of snowflakes in Max's hair. He had his hands shoved in his pants, giving me a quirky smile, that soon turned into a smirk. 

"Like the view?" He asks.

"Yea, I do actually. That's why I'm looking." I answer, turning around. 

"I do too." I hear him say, and I couldn't help but blush. 

I hear his foot steps as he approaches me. I ignore him, touching a tree instead. I run my hand along the bark, wondering how old this tree must be. I feel Max's hand run along my shoulder, past my arm and land on my hand that's resting on the tree. I don't mind and his hand felt quite soft against mine. 

"How old do you think this tree is?" I whisper. 

"Older than us. I'd say at least a hundred years." He whispers in my ear. I lower my hand that was on the tree, now realizing his close proximity. I step away, suddenly feeling a little awkward.

"So, um, what did you have planned?" I ask in curiosity.

"You'll see." And that's all he says before he starts walking through the forest. I follow him, not wanting to be left alone. As we walk through the woods, I see many tree branches on the ground, covered by snow and moss. Having an idea, I pick up some snow, slowly approaching him. Mentally cackling to myself, I raise my hand, waiting until I'm as close to Max to touch. I slide the snow inside the back of his shirt, quickly hopping away to hind behind a tree. I hear him shriek, covering my mouth to stop myself from doubling over in laughter. 

"Natalie! You're gonna pay for that! No more Mr. Smexy names for you." He claims. 

"Sure. With what?" I say, trying not to give away where I am. 

"You have no idea." He says, and as he says this, I hear footsteps near my hiding spot. I look up, to see him staring at me with complete fury. I couldn't hold in my laughter, and I let out all the laughter that I kept inside, pointing at him and muttering incomprehensible language. 

"Y-You should have seen your f-face!" I exclaim. 

"Yea, seems so funny doesn't it?" He asks. I walk over to him, still laughing.

"Yea it really was." I stare into his eyes. He had really extraordinarily incredible eyes. I look away, and walk past him, "C'mon let's get to where you wanted to go so that I can pay for the hilarious thing I did." I instruct. 

I start walking away and I hear him following me, soon catching up. I feel his arm close to mine as we walk side by side. I feel a sudden urge to hold his hand, and I don't know why. 

It just takes 20 seconds of insane courage, I remind myself, Well now or never, am I right?

I slowly move my fingers over to his, feeling the fear of being rejected. I cup my hand on his hand, feeling butterflies in my stomach. To my surprise, instead of pulling away he moves our hands so we're interlocked, each of our fingers interlaced in the other. A small smile forms on my lips. We continue walking until we reach a clearing. 

Another surprise greater than when we were in the car, is that the clearing turned into a view of a lake, that didn't seem too big, but was still an amazing view. As I looked around, I noticed that we were the only one's there, as it is winter after all. I feel Max's hand tug mine until we're almost close enough to the water to dip our toes in. Max turns towards me and gives me huge smile, but I could see there was some sort of evil glint in his eye. 

"To you surprise, this wasn't actually the spontaneous thing I wanted to do...," He claims, and I grow a bit nervous. "I actually wanted to go swimming in the lake."

My eyes widen in surprise, "Are you ok? You do realize it is winter right? The coldest season of the year. I mean we could get hypothermia, that's not exactly my idea of fun. What-what if we drown, I don't know about you but I don't have insurance to support that. I-" I was interrupted by my rant with his reply.

"Look, it'll be fun. Gre at fun. And you owe me. You're the one who decided to shove snow down my back." 

"Shit," I mutter. "I-I fine. But only because I owe you. This isn't safe at all. But I guess this is spontaneous." I give in. 

"Ok great." He grins at me, and I glare back. Letting go of his hand, I back up until I'm at a distance. 

"Turn around and no peeking, got it?" I demand. 

"Yea, yea sure whatever." 

I slowly zip down my jacket, and feel the rush of the cold nip at my skin. I take it off, leaving me in my over sized white t-shirt. I take off shoes, proceeding with my pants. I make sure everything is nicely met on the ground before I walk over to Max's turned back. I tap him on the shoulder and he turns around. I hear him suck in a breath, and I blush, looking down. I was extremely cold, wrapping my arms around myself. I feel his hand under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. 

"You're adorable." He compliments softly.  

"Thanks. So um, we goin' swimming?" I ask, laughing slightly. 

"Yea, just give me a second, and no peeking for you either. I mean, unless you want to. I don't mind." He smirks and steps away from me. I turn around and wait for him to be done. I know that he's done when he's by my side and grabs a hold of my hand. I glance over to him, seeing he has only his underwear and a soft black shirt on. 

"Ready?" He asks. 

"I hope so." I say. 

Still holding hands we walk into the water, I stumbled a bit, but Max always caught me. The water was so damn cold, and I was convinced that I was going to get sick or die. I started drifting off into the water, letting go of his hand. As I started walking away, the water soon became extremely deep. Still wanting to see the view I turn around in the water, wanting to absorb the view in every way possible. Simultaneously, I was dragged underwater, my legs practically immobile and having no capability of saving myself. I feel strong arms envelope me, and I open my eyes to see a swimming Maxuel underwater. I glare. 

Oh Maxuel, you have no idea what's coming for you...


i have so many feels omg. its toomuch i mmmmohmygod, yes. 

xD and yes I am emotionally attached to these characters after 4 chapters. It-I it happens. 


Eliixc *0*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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