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wow I suck at naming chapters. but anyways here's a short chapter for today! I'm sorry if it's boring but I'm trying to  kinda set the scene and like clue  you in on cara's life but  I'll update tomorrow and hopefully that will be a better chapter :) I APOLOGIZE FOR THE SUCKISHNESS (is that even a word lol) BUT I'LL MAKE IT UP TO YOU IN THE NEXT COUPLE CHAPTERS :)


“This doesn’t happen very often, but turns out I was wrong. I guess it's just you and your book." 

He actually left!
He just turned and walked out of the detention room as if it was no big deal.
He just casually ditched detention! Who does that?! I guess it's just something 'The Pricks' do.

You know, this is actually a good thing. Now I can get some reading done without Jake Matthews bugging me every two seconds.
The minute I opened my book there was another interruption.

"Cara!? What are you doing in here?"

"Oh hi Ms. Fitzgerald! There was an incident this wasn't my fault but it made me late for one of my classes" I explained briefly, but politely.

"It's the first day back! Who gives detentions on the first day of school?" she exclaimed.

"Apparently Mr. Kielburg does." I said quietly.

"Oh, well I'm sorry about that. But I'm very pleased to see that you stayed in detention even though there was no teacher! Tell you what, you're a good kid so I'll let you go early." her words were music to my ears.

"Really? Thanks so much Ms. Fitzgerald! I really appreciate that!" I resisted the urge to run across the room and hug her.

"It’s no problem Cara. I know you don't do anything reckless. But before you go, was there anyone else here?" she asked.

"Uh....." I was conflicted. Do I tell her about Matthews?

"Nope, it was just me and my books" I said with a nervous smile.

"Okay thanks, bye Cara!"

"No problem, and thanks again Ms. Fitzgerald!"

That wasn't so bad. Maybe I do have what it takes to be a bad girl.

I already had my backpack with me, so I left the school and began to walk home.
I walked up to my house and noticed that there was an unfamiliar vehicle parked next to my dad's car.
That's strange.
I opened the door and cautiously went inside.

"Ahh, there she is!"

A man and woman appeared to greet me at the front door.
Did I walk into the wrong house?

"Cara! You've gotten so tall!" the woman exclaimed as she walked towards me.

Before I had time to back away, I was wrapped into a bone crushing hug.
For a tiny woman she sure gives tight hugs!
I awkwardly stood there and half hugged her back. I gave her a 'hug's over' pat on the back and thankfully, she pulled away. Now her hands were on my shoulders and she was staring at me.

"Oh my, you've grown so pretty! Wow you're so skinny too! It's almost as if you grow in height and not in width!” she gushed at me.

"Marcy, stop it you're embarrassing her," the man said gently.

She ignored him and continued. "The only difference is that now you're getting some curves!" Marcy said as she patted my behind.

I was probably as red as a lobster by now.

"Oh good! You've introduced yourselves!" my dad appeared with a bottles of wine in his hands.


"Don't tell me you dont remember Bill and Marcy!" Dad exclaimed.

"Oh I don't blame her, it’s been a while." Marcy stated.

"They used to visit all the time when you were a baby. In fact, they even baby sat for us a couple times." my dad explained.

"Yeah, I think I remember them" I said honestly.

The memories were starting to come back to me now. Bill and Marcy were close friends of my mom. Maybe that's why I haven’t seen them in so long.

My dad moved the party back into the living room. We sat on the couch and ate finger foods while my dad went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. This meant it was supposed to be my job to entertain our unexpected guests. Lucky for me they did most of the talking. Well it was mostly Marcy, but I was grateful for that because I didn't know what to say.

"Cara, you've changed so much!" Marcy's statement came out of the blue. I thought she had gotten all of her comments out of the way when she practically attacked me at the door.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked quietly.

"Well, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you've changed so much! To be fair, I haven’t seen you in a while.... but I remember how bubbly and outgoing you were! I also remember you were quite the chatterbox!" Marcy explained. "You just seem so different now.....what happened?" she asked.

"Marcy, don't ask her what happened! You know exactly what happened....she's been through a lot. We all have." Bill cut in.

"I know, I'm sorry Cara. It's just that I remember when you were little and you used to make up songs about literally anything and you would sing them all day long!" Marcy reminisced.

"I know! I remember that too! I specifically remember one time, when you broke the vase I bought for you on our anniversary. I didn't know it was you until Cara walked in." Bill started talking to his wife. "We were babysitting you and when I came home and saw the vase I almost yelled at you because I just assumed you broke it. As a toddler you were kinda clumsy," Bill turned to me and continued to tell the story.

"Ohmygosh! I remember that too! He came looking for you and he was so ready to yell at you but  when he heard you singing, he stopped. He heard you going on about me and how I was following one of my workout DVDs when I accidentally knocked it over," Marcy joined in on the story telling.

"I was so mad because it was so expensive! But Marcy refused to take the blame so she claimed that Jillian Michaels made her do it, which of course made me even more upset. You saw us arguing so you came and sat in the middle of us. You pretended we were in court and you made each of us tell our side of the story and then you judged our case. We thought you were gonna blame one of us but-"

"Your verdict was for us to take you out for ice cream. So we did!" Marcy interrupted her husband and finished the story.
They started laughing uncontrollably and when I imagined mini me acting as a judge I started laughing too.
The rest of the dinner went pretty smoothly. It was good to see them again. But when they left, I went straight to my room. I'm not sure why, but Marcy's words were stuck in my mind. It really got me thinking.....


dedicated to XxinsercurityxX just because she's awesome :)

BEFORE U GO , I just wanted to tell you something. Okay so this story has only been up for a couple days so its really good to know that I've already got readers. I don't  think you guys know how happy I get when I go on my laptop and I actually have notifications on here. I literally stare at my laptop screen with a huge smile as I read every single one of your comments :) you guys are doing an amazing job of encouraging me to keep writing so ily  . iM SUCH A SAP OMG IM SORRY i'll do my best to keep the story interesting. I will also try to update often!


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