22. Is It 'Hi' Or 'Bye'?

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 AUTHOR'S NOTE - Okay, I'm going to back to apologising because I haven't updated for a little while... Sorry! So sorry! So, so, so, so sorry! But I'm now updating so that's the good thing, yay! Enjoy, or not but I hope you enjoy it x

Joe's P.O.V.


What's that bloody noise?

Hmmm... Why's there banging...? Wait. Are they knocking on my door?

 "What?!" who is that? Why are they knocking so bloody loudly, it's... um, it's...

Moving my hand around slowly, in search of my phone to check the time; I patted my palm along the bedsheet, moving closer and closer to the bedside table, until...


What is that...?

Hang on.

Slowly I peeled my eyes open, searching the side of the bed beside me.


Indi, the beautiful girl who was in my art class, the amazing girl who I can just be myself with... the girl who- who lied to me just the other day, is laying asleep next to me.

Oh geez!

Indi, the beautiful girl who was in my art class, the amazing girl who I can just be myself with, the girl who lied to me just the other day, is laying asleep next to me... naked.

Wait... pulling the covers up slightly, not wanting to disturb Indi, I looked down at my own body.

My own very naked body.

We... we actually... wow!

"Joe! Hurry up..." Zoe?! Geez, stop knocking! "We're leaving soon!"


Huh? No, no, no. Don't stir, Indi.

Sliding out from the covers, ever so gently. I leaned down, grabbing my boxers, trying to put them on without tripping over as I rushed over to the door.

"What?" I questioned, as I partially opened the door, breathily. Wow... struggling to put on underwear really takes it out of you...

And... Zoe's got the camera out again, of course she has... It's great and everything, I'd just prefer if she didn't film me half naked seconds after I've just gotten out of bed.

Waving at me, Zoe smiled from behind the camera saying "Joe, say hi, well bye... wait" moving the camera away for a second, confusion broke out on her face as she questioned "is it 'hi' or 'bye' if you're introducing yourself in a 'goodbye' vlog?"

Ummm... it's seriously too early for this.

"Erm... why not both?" I put forward, running my fingers through my hair quickly.

"Hmmm... sure" After holding the camera back up, she motioned for me to speak again.

"Hello everyone. Goodbye everyone"


The camera's pointing at me... it can't see behind me, right? It can't see Indi...

Moving out from my room, I tried shutting the door subtly behind me, without gaining too much attention.

"My brother everyone..." great, she's turned the camera back at her "a guy of few words"

"Hey, you told me to say 'hi' and 'bye', are you telling me that I didn't do that?"

"No" she giggled, turning the camera back at me "I'm just saying-"


Oh crap.

"Who was that?" Zoe questioned, inquisitively as she tried moving closer to the door.

"Nobody" uh. Oh gosh. Alfie, mate, where are you? Why can't you be interruptive when I need you to be?

"Joe open the door, who was that?"

Seriously, just drop it Zo...

As she tried to get passed me, she moved the camera away from my face, reaching for the handle with her other hand frantically.


Why's she stopped?

"Did..." she questioned, pulling away from my blocking body slowly; a look of realisation plastered on her face "Did you sleep with someone?"

Ummm... "No" oh balls. How high is my voice, right now? "Well... now that you mention it, I might-"


"What? You just asked-"

"Eww!" Great. Thanks Zoe. Squeal in my face and act like you're totally grossed out by me, that's what sister are for "Who was it?"

Uh... moving further back, I tried blocking the door as my heart thumped even faster in my chest.

I can't tell her that Indi's in there. I definitely can't tell her that Indi's stark naked in there either.

"Somebody..." that just so happens to be my best friend? No. Erm... somebody who's just about to leave... to go to France... and abandon me for the whole of the summer... oh geez! "Erm, somebody that you don't know..."

"Hmm" she looked at me, sternly folding her arms over one another as she moved back slowly "I'll find out who it is, trust me..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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