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"So tired..." You rubbed the crusties out of your eyes and reluctantly pushed yourself out of your bed. You took one glance at your wall and heaved a large sigh. The streak to end your restless nights had finally been broken. You tottered out of your bedroom and towards the bathroom to shower and get yourself ready for the day. And something told you that it was going to be a long one.

All you could think about doing while trudging through the halls was getting to the student lounge for a quick snooze before your next class. 'I thought I was going to die today.' You could've barely kept your eyes open for that first class. Now that it was over, you had about two hours to spare, so until then, you planned to make the most of it.

"Look at who we have here." You lifted your eyes to the voice. "(Y/n), right?"

"Yes?" A slightly taller woman with rouge-stained lips stood before you with her a condescending hand to her hip. The inches in her heels lent leverage to tower over you. That way you would know the difference between your place and hers.

"You're the cute girl who's been hovering around my Hajime lately." She calmly combed her finger through her loose curls.

"Excuse me?" It was then that you realized who this woman was. Ibuki, the ex. All dolled up from the usual attire you were used to seeing her in. "Your name is Ibuki-san, right?"

"So he does talk about me." The conclusion slipped a smile onto her lips. "I knew it."

'Only when he needs to complain because you've shown up out of nowhere.'

"It's a good thing I ran into you. We need to have a talk, just between us girls."

Your brows creased slightly. "About...?" You didn't have a good feeling about this. Just remembering what she did the other day, brought about those stifling feelings before you again.

"I assume he's told you this already, but Hajime and I used to date. Right now we're on a break, but it won't be long before we're back together."

'She's a bit looney in the head,' you thought. 'For Senpai, there is no break. He's already done with her.'

"That being said, I don't know just how close you are to him, but I'm gonna need to you start distancing yourself away from him. You're a woman too, so I'm sure you can understand how irritating it can be to have another girl all over your man, trying to take your place and whatnot."

They creased a bit deeper. "Iwaizumi-senpai and I are just friends."

"Yeah? Those aren't the vibes I'm getting though. Every time I try to talk to him, you pop up out of nowhere and he runs off with you. It's annoying as hell."

"Excuse me for saying this, but I'm sure Senpai has his reasons for doing so."

"And what's that supposed to mean, huh?" She lessened the distance between either of you with a single step. "You saying Hajime's grown tired of me? That I'm not right for him?"

A drop of sweat ran down your cheek. You weren't going to be the one to say it. "I know he's been vocal about the discomfort you bring to him when you show up unexpectedly, that's all..." He's said to her multiple times already.

"Listen up, squirt." She stabbed her fresh manicure near your features. "Stay the hell away from Hajime, got me? This is your first and last warning. Don't make me have to do or say anything more than this." And with that, Ibuki went around you, leaving you to watch her walk away.

'Is that a threat? Did she seriously just threaten me?' Prickly. This time your heart felt prickly. Like the flickers before the eruption of a burning flame.

Nᴏᴛɪᴄᴇ Mᴇ, Kᴏᴜʜᴀɪ! || I. HᴀᴊɪᴍᴇWhere stories live. Discover now