A snipers shot

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This is dedicated to my friend Mad444. Yes Mad444 I know it's not like the one I did in class but this was the original copy. Hope you enjoy it! 

P.S Anakin and Obi-Wan are not in love they are like brothers, so that kind of brotherly love is seen in this story. And the cast are from Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith


"I need you to kill a man" 

"Who?" the bounty hunter asked.

"The Negotiator." The man replied "Don't worry you'll get your money after the job is complete."

"Well your the boss..." Cad Bane said, slightly confused at why Chancellor Palpatine wanted him to shoot a good man.


Obi-Wan Kenobi sat on the edge of his balcony swinging his legs like a child. His friend, Bant Eerin, had just been killed on Dantooine. He gazed upwards letting the stars captivate him with their mysteries. Behind him stood his best friend and former Padawan, Anakin Skywalker. Anakin had been watching his Master for sometime now. He hated to see Obi-Wan like this so he tried his best to comfort him. 

"Oh Obi-Wan..." Anakin said quietly. He sat down next to his Master

Obi-Wan jumped slightly, he had not known Anakin had been there. Anakin put his arm round Obi-Wan in an attempt to help him. Obi-Wan did not embrace Anakin, nor did he ignore his friend. A lone tear fell down Obi-Wan's face. Anakin knew that he wanted to be left alone but could not bring himself to leave his Master in his time of need. Gently, Obi-Wan rested his head on Anakin's shoulder but Anakin did not mind. He just wanted to help his bestfriend in anyway possible...


Up in the senate building Chancellor Palpatine, was watching Anakin and Obi-Wan, taking note of what was going on. He was pleased. The next part of his master plan was about to unfold. And the two jedi were part of it. He needed to get to Anakin, but to do that he needed to get past Obi-Wan. 

"Pathetic..." Palpatine said to himself as he saw Obi-Wan from out the window

 Of course the Chancellor knew why Obi-Wan was like this. He had killed Bant Eerin, to make sure that Obi-Wan would be in such a state that his vision (the force) would be clouded. It pleased him to see the Jedi Master's weakness. As Palpatine watched he knew that one of them would die that night


Cad Bane looked down the scope of his sniper rifle, he locked on to his target. And...Fired


A few hundred yards away, Anakin saw a flash of light speeded towards him.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" Obi-Wan cried as a laser bolt pierced through his shoulder. He stumbled backwards and tripped of the edge.

"OBI-WAN!!!" Anakin screamed. The Jedi Knight rushed over to the ledge. Obi-Wan was hanging on for dear life. Anakin reached down to him.

 "Just a little further!" Anakin said desperately  His finger tips brushed against Obi-Wan's. 

Out of the blue, a second blaster bolt came and hit Obi-Wan's hand.

He let go; and fell...


(Next chapter should be up soon! Comments and votes are appreciated. By the way I did not copy the idea from Star Wars the Clone War season 4 "deception", I planned this out way before I had seen the episode)

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