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(If anyone is reading this then please recomend this book to your friends!)


Obi-Wan was exausted, he hadn't slept at all for three days. But sleep was about to catch up with him wether he liked it or not. He felt his eyelids dropping, he knew that he could not fight it any longer but he tried anyway.  No, I must not fall asl... He fell asleep before he could finish what he was thinking. Palpatine knew that he was not awake so he decided to show the Jedi his latest invention.

"Get up Kenobi!"

Obi-Wan's eyes shot open and he got up imediately but he was surprised at what he saw...

"Master Windu?!" Obi-Wan exclaimed.

"I thought that you were not aloud to fall asleep!" Mace said firmly. Obi-Wan was really confused.

"What? Mace I thought your were on my side not his!?"

"You disobayed your orders Jedi!" Mace raised his voice.

"I'm sorry but I havn't slept for 3 days!" Obi-Wan argued. What has got into him!?

"Shut up!!! I don't want to hear your petty excuses, Jedi scum!" Mace shouted.

"But I-" Obi-Wan started. Mace cut him off.

"I said, SHUT UP!!!" Mace Unclipped a knife from his belt and started to walk towards Obi-Wan. The Jedi backed away but came into contact with the wall. Obi-Wan was trapped.

"Er... Mace, what are you doing with that kni-"  Windu grabbed Obi-Wan's neck.

"Don't you dare back chat me, Jedi filth!!!" Mace brought the knife up to Obi-Wan's face "I think you need another lesson." And with that Mace cut across Obi-Wan's mouth in the shape of an X. The metallic taste of blood formed in his mouth. Obi-Wan wished he could spit it out, but he couldn't.

"There you can't talk now, Jedi!" Mace said cruely. He started laughing as tears began to form in Obi-Wan's eyes. Why is Mace doing this, it's not like him at all! Mace left the cell.


Palpatine was pleased the meeting went better than expected. But he could sense the Jedi Master's confusion so decided to put him out of his misery. He walked into the cell.

"I guess your wondering why Master Windu acted like he did arn't you." Palpatine said flatly. Obi-Wan nodded.

"That was not Mace Windu at all, it was a Clone. Your Padawan gave me all the information I need for the next part of my plan." Palpatine stopped. He saw, in his eyes, the Jedi's worry about his Padawan. "Don't worry Anakin will not be harmed. Unless of course he refuses to join me. If that happens, then i'm afraid i'll be forced to kill him."  Palpatine smirked and walked out the cell.

After a few hours of editing, Palpatine's fake hologram was complete. Now all he need to do was show Anakin.


(Probably the darkest of all the Chapters. I was in a bad mood while writing this. By the way I might not post the next chapter for a few days because I'm moving house on thursday and everythings a mess. I'm so sorry guy's)

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