#7// He walks in on you changing

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You raised your hands up over your head as you slowly slid off your top. Reaching back to unhook your bra you happened to notice something, or someone, peeking out from outside your door. Silently and unnoticed, you crept over to the door frame and stood behind it for a moment. You saw his ocean blue eyes scanning the room before you jumped out in front of him.
"Boo!" You smiled as you saw his shoulders slightly flinch. A small pinkish color spread to his cheeks as he looked away.
"You might want to put on a shirt" he said quietly.


The steam from the hot shower filled the small bathroom as you fastened the short, tight towel around your figure. Your wet, h/c colored hair fell down onto the towel as the door to your bedroom creaked open.
"Hey y/n" Makoto paused as he didn't see you in your room.
"Wait Makoto I'm not-" Makoto's face turned bright red as he looked over to see you standing in front of the bathroom mirror.
"S-sorry!" He stuttered before darting out of the room causing you to laugh.


"I'm going to go change" you told Rin before walking off to your bedroom. You two had just gotten back from swimming, so you and your clothes were soaked. You peeled off the wet bathing suit and pulled out a plain towel-like cover up when you heard a whistling sound coming from behind you. "R-Rin!" You exclaimed, blushing madly and using the cloth to cover yourself. Rin smirked a little before laughing.
"Sorry y/n couldn't help myself" he said walking back out.
"Oh" he said as if remembering something and poking his head back in the door "you might want to put on some clothes".


It was a hot summer day and even inside the heat was too much for you. You were laid out on your bed, in only a bra and underwear. You had just assumed that Nagisa would be swimming since first of all it was extra practice, and second the pool would probably be cool.
"Y/n!" You heard Nagisa's excited voice say as he bursted through your bedroom door.
"Nagisa!" You exclaimed, pulling a blanket over your half naked figure. "Knock first!"
He laughed and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.


Your feet dripped water as you stepped out of the warm bathtub, the water slowly draining. You stretched and popped your knuckles before grabbing your robe. You were about to throw it on and tie it around your waist when Rei's voice filled your room.
"Y/n do you know when-" He stopped cold as he saw your unclothed figure standing in the bathroom.
"Rei!" You yelled shutting the door instantly. Once you had finally put on clothes, you heard a thud and walked out to see Rei on the floor, his glasses on his forehead.


You yawned as you walked into your room, throwing down your school bag causing some books to slide out. For some reason, every day when you got home from school you had to change. Normally into your pajamas. Little did you know Sousuke was already at your front door. As you slowly undressed, the door to your bedroom flew open with a surprised Sousuke standing at the other side.
"Sousuke!" You yelled covering your exposed chest.
He stood there for a moment in silence before before laughing and shaking his head.
"Why are you changing?"
"Just get out!"


"See you tomorrow" you smiled and waved at Kisumi as he walked out. You two had just been laying around and watching movies until he had to leave since it was quite late. Looking down you realized you were still in your school uniform. Deciding to go change before falling asleep seemed like a good idea. Your door was still open, since your parents weren't home, as you slid off your clothes and looked for some pajamas.
"Oh, y/n, I think I forgot my-" Kisumi was cut off by his eyes finding you unclothed in your room.
"K-Kisumi!" You stuttered and grabbed a large pillow, using it to cover yourself.
"Oh, here it is!" He sheepishly said, grabbing his bag off your bed. "See you tomorrow!" He said with a bright red face before running out.


"Momo" you said peeking your head out of your bedroom door. "Don't come in here I'm changing" you said, earning a head nod. As you stood by your drawer, half clothed, Momo casually walked into the room.
"Momo!" You yelled throwing a small pillow at him hitting him right in the face and knocking him back a little.
"Oh sorry! I forgot" he said and turned back around and started to run out when he ran straight into the wall making you laugh.


"Seijuro!" You exclaimed as he carelessly slung his arm across the table, spilling orange juice all over you and your clothes.
"Oh, sorry!" He said and grabbed a wad of napkins reaching over only to smudge the orange colored liquid even further into your clothes. You huffed and looked down at your soaked and sticky clothes before standing up and running to your room to change. You weren't mad, just didn't want the juice to completely ruin your clothes.
"I'm sorry y/n!" Seijuro exclaimed as he barged into your room only to see you standing in the bathroom, naked.
"Get out!" You yelled slamming the door in his face.


Nitori was on his way to your house for you guys' third date and you were still rushing to get ready. You had decided to go ahead and do your makeup and hair before putting on your dress to avoid messing it up in anyway. You weren't fully naked however, as you had on a strapless bra and underwear.
"y/nnn" Nitori whined as he walked into your room.
"I can't wait any longer!" He exclaimed before seeing you and blushing madly.
"I'm not dressed yet!" You yelled, throwing a hair clip at him.
"S-sorry!" He stuttered as he ran out.

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