Chapter 6: As long as you love me.

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Jordin and I looked over at the table that we heard the phone ringing from. Could it be Justin? It was. Jordin stopped calling the phone. Justin looked over at Jordin and I. Jordin and I both looked away from Justin and looked at each other. "What he comes over here?" I asked Jordin. "He won't" Jordin said. Justin got up from his table and went to sit next to me or Jordin. "Liar." I laughed. Justin sat next to Jordin. "Hey" He said to both of us. "I'm sorry about yesterday." He said to me. "Its okay" I said to him. "I didn't start anything with you and Keaton did I?" Justin asked me.  "No" I said. "Okay good." He said, "Well, I'm Jordin" Jordin introduced herself. "Hey, I'm Justin." Justin said smiling. "I'm single" Jordin said trying to flirt. Oh no, Jordin's trying to flirt. The last time she tried flirting at a restaurant we got kicked out cause she tried flirting with the waiter. "Me to." Justin said still smiling. "I shouldn't bring this up but, What about Selena?" Jordin asked. "It's okay, we broke up again but I don’t think we're getting back together." Just told us. "Maybe we could go out sometime?" Jordin said handing him a napkin with her number on it. "Yeah, that’d be cool." Justin said. "Well, I better go" Justin said getting up "Bye" he said to us. "Bye" Jordin and I said. Justin walked back to him table and Jordin and I finished eating. After we paid the bill we left. We decided to take my car today, its light blue Kia soul; I got it on my birthday this year as a gift from my parents.

We drove back to my house and then Jordin had to go home because her mom was visiting today. I went inside the house and put on my music. I decided to go on twitter. The top tweet was 'Keaton's mystery girl' and 'Justin's mystery girl' where they talking about me? I clicked on the first one. Yup it was me. There was a picture of me and Keaton. Then a picture of Justin sitting next to me backstage at the concert. "@TMZ: Justin Bieber and Keaton Stromberg of Emblem3 dating the same girl? Who is the mystery girl?" This is just crazy. I texted Keaton

Me: Hey, Have you seen the top tweets? Tmz and everyone’s saying I’m going out with Justin to. This is crazy

Keats: I know. Come over, I wanna talk about all of this.

Me: Okay.

Is he going to break up with me? Does he believe this? I couldn't help but think about what if he breaks up with me. I walked next door to Keaton's. I knocked on the door. Keaton smiled and opened the door. "Hey!" I said. "Hey" He said letting me in. We went and sat on the couch. "So, umm, I just wanted to say I’m sorry about all of this drama." He said. "It's okay." I said. "I want to make this up for you." He said. "There this dinner-dance thing, it’s formal but, would you go with me?" Keaton asked. "Yeah, that'd be cool" I said. "It's Monday night." Keaton said. "Okay." I said smiling. "Well, I better go" I told him as I stood up. "Okay" Keaton said smiling. He walked me to the door then I walked home and texted Jordin and Deanna about how Keaton invited me to the dinner dance. They replied with "OMG that’s too great!" and "I'm so happy for you!" I asked Jordin if she wanted to come with me to the mall. She couldn't because he was staying with her for a few days.  I asked Deanna. Deanna comes over and we took my car. I love going shopping with Deanna. Deanna and I got to the mall and went straight to my favorite shop, Forever21. I got this low-high Maxi Dress with a white Braided Belt, and some Black Strappy Ankle Cuff Wedges. I loved the wedges I got; the heel was only 2 1/2 inches. Deanna and I went back to my house to chill for little. When we got back we both sat on the couch. "Do you think I’ll look formal enough?" I asked Deanna. "Yeah, you'll look fine, and Keaton's ganna love your outfit." Deanna said me. "I hope so." I said. "Could I borrow your curing iron again?" I asked her. "Yeah, you still have it right?" She asked me. "Yeah and thanks."  I said. "Well, I better go" She said. "Okay, Bye!" I said walking her out of the house and to her car. "Hey and if you don't like that dress then you still have that black bodycon dress right?" Deanna asked. "Oh, yeah. Good Idea." I said. Deanna got into her car. "Bye!" She said pulling out of the drive way. "Bye" I said smiling and starting to walk into the house. I walked into the house and brought my dress and shoes to my room. I texted a picture of the black body con dress and the one I got today to Jordin. 'What one do you think would be better' I texted Jordin. 'For that kind of event I like the longer one' she texted back. 'Okay, thanks (:' I texted her back. It was getting late. I took and shower, brushed my teeth, changed into my Pajama's then went to bed.

The next day I spent the day with Keaton. I've lived in California for a year now and I've never really explored it. Keaton and I dove around California and went site seeing. We also got to know each other a lot better, I told him about my life in Canada and he told me about everything before he was on Factor. It was perfect; the past 5 days were perfect. I loved every single second I spent with him. After our mini road trip, I went home and so did Keaton. It was amazing.

It was Monday, Tonight was the Dinner-Dance. I waited all day just so I could get ready. I got ready about 2 hours before the Dinner-Dance. So I have plenty of time to curl my hair, do my make-up and get dressed. I did my make-up first; I did a Smokey eye with natural colors and a little dark gray.  Then I did my hair like a Victoria's secret model. Then I wore the dress I got on Saturday. I looked in the mirror. I looked beautiful. I walked down stairs. Keaton knocked on the door. I opened the door and walked outside. "Hey" I said, "Hey, you look beautiful tonight." He said looking at me up and down. "Thanks, you look nice in a tux" I said. "Thanks" He said smiling. We took Wes's car to the Dinner-Dance. When we got there we had to go on the red carpet. Wes and Drew didn't have dates. Keaton and I Walked on to the red carpet. This was amazing. The cameras, the lights, and my favorite part of it all, Keaton by my side. Keaton kissed me on my cheek. I smiled and giggled. I looked up at him; He could tell how happy I was. After the carpet Keaton and I walked in the Dinner-Dance Keaton and I sat at a table alone. It was so nice. Keaton and I had dinner then they started playing music. 'Yayo' by Lana Del Ray was playing. "I love this song." I told Keaton. "Wanna go dance?" Keaton asked smiling. "Yeah" I said. Keaton and I made our way to the dance floor and starting slow dancing. Everything was perfect. I've never been so happy in my life. I glanced over at the door to see Justin walking in without a date. I just looked away and kept slow dancing with Keaton. "Everything's perfect" I said to Keaton. "You're perfect" Keaton said. I looked at him with a smile. "Thank you" I said looking into his beautiful green eyes. "I love you" Keaton said glancing down at my lips for a kiss. I kissed Keaton. Then we went and sat back down at your table after the song. Wes comes to our table. "Hey, man. Could I talk to you for a sec?" Wes asked Keaton. "Yeah, sure" Keaton said to Wes. "I'll be right back, babe." He said to me. "Okay" I said smiling. Keaton got up and went to talk to Wes. "Hey, nice to see you here." I heard a fimilar voice say. I turned around to see Justin standing there. "Umm, Hi Justin. Where’s your date?" I asked him. "Don't have one." Justin said. Justin sat down across from me. "So, uh-" Justin started to say. Keaton walked over to Justin. "I thought I told you to back off, man." Keaton said to Justin. "I'm sorry, it's just-" Justin started to say. Drew come over to me, he knew this wasn’t going to be good. "Brianna, I think we should go." Drew said. "Justin, I asked you to stay away from my girlfriend" Keaton said to Justin. Just was about to start a scene. "Yeah, I think so to" I said to Drew. Justin started yelling. All of this over me? I wondered. No, there had to be more to this then Justin just flirting with me.

[Please vote and comment! My first fan fiction so I hope you guys like it!]

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