Chapter Eight: When Your Best Friend Comes To Visit You

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Ding Dong!

I immediately ran downstairs after fluffing my hair to get the door. Penelope was headed to get the door too, but I got there first.

I opened it to find my worst nightmare.


I froze in my spot as Penelope immediately stepped forward and gave him a bearhug. "Alex! I missed you so much!" She muffled. I felt disgusted to see those giving each other bear hugs.

"I missed you too, little one, but I'm pretty pissed you know?" He pulled away as I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. Being a third wheeler is not fun. Literally.

"Why?" Penelope's joyful face immediately transferred into a gloomy frown in a fourth of a second. I wanted to speak up too, but no voice came outside of my mouth.

"Because you just left me alone in the cabin while you ran away with this one." Alexander flicked his eyes at me in a really rude, descriptive way. I raised my eyebrows.

"Listen dude, you are the one who left her." I step up in fury. How does this guy create arguments so easily? He was like one of those really dramatic girls. He was exactly like the male version of Charlie. With blonde hair and hazel eyes.. Yep.

"What are you even saying, man? Shut the hell-"

"Oh, Alexander! What a surprise!" Mom stepped in. Mother can be a real pain but in these tough situations when I'm about to knock a person out, leave my mom to save that guy.

She was drying her hands with a washcloth, and pushed her glasses further towards her eyes. "How have you been?"

Alexander stepped back, and nodded his head at me. "Not much, Mrs. Bridget." He said.

"Come on in!" Mom gestured as I almost face palmed myself. Why would she let him in? Mom knew what kind of a person he was.

Penelope hesitated but then smiled again. This time, her smile wasn't as happy as before. It was more apologetic. She was smiling right at Alexander's face. I looked away in disbelief.

Alexander smiled back, and walked inside. He sat right on the couch like he didn't care about the furniture or anything. With that big guy, I was afraid the couch would tear apart.

I just stayed infront of the doorway, not knowing where to go or what to do.

When my mom gave me a death look to come and step in the living room, I gave her a death look for letting Alexander get in. Except mine was probably more deathly and frightful.

Penelope helped herself and sat down beside Alexander. I shook my head, unknowingly. I decided to go upstairs.

"I'll be in my room." I mumbled not trying to show my emotions. I grumpily walked upstairs and slammed the door.

After all those things I've done to Penelope, she still picks Alexander. Why?

I saved her life while he left her. I suffered long dehydrating days in the woods with her while he went home in peace. I was caring for Penelope when he was at home eating nachos or something.

And yet Penelope was still blind.



"I'll be in my room." Emmett said so fluently and walked upstairs, like he was dragging his legs to reach there. His expression was hard. I couldn't help but be curious.

Stella watched after him as he left, and so did I. Finally Stella looked at us and smiled. "I'll be back in a minute." She said politely and followed Emmett.

I looked over at Alexander.

"Why're you mad? Aren't you happy that we finally get to see each other?" I asked, scared that he was going to say no. His expression sure seemed like it.

"Of course Penelope! I was just a little upset because you left me all alone in the woods." Alexander shrugged but gave me a half-heartedly smile. I knitted my eyebrows together.

"What do you mean?" I say, not even realizing that my voice was so quiet it was like a little whisper.

"Nevermind." Alex laughed. "It's all good."

I let out the air I didn't realize I was holding. I could finally feel my chest relax.

"So, how's life?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows, which made him laugh, and even.. blush? I felt my heart racing a thousand miles per second.

"I actually came here to ask something that's really really special. Can't believe I'm going to say this but," Alexander paused.

I could already feel my heart racing even more, and I could also feel the tips of my ears turning red as a tomato. Is this it? Is this how we're finally, after all this years, be together? I nodded for him to go on.

"I need some Penelope advice."

I felt my heart not race anymore, and the tips of my ears turn the colour they usually are. I felt disappointed.

"On what?" I finally ask.

"Listen, during the camping trip.." Alexander paused then smiled. Then I felt my hopes come again, and my stomach filled with butterflies. Literally. "I was thinking about some things..." Alex's cheeks turned a light pink as I felt my heart race even more than thousand beats. My mind was literally filled with flowers and unicorns.

"I want to ask Charlie to be my girlfriend."

Then my heart dropped to my stomach then came up to my lungs. I swallowed a gasp of air, but it felt as if I was swallowing back my own destroyed heart.


Cliffhanger? ;)

See? This is where the book starts to get a tiny bit interesting. Trust me, it'll get more fun.

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