Chapter Six: Home At Last. Close, Atleast?

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I'm going to start by saying this: It was a really really long day. At least I was home- or, just out of the stupid forest at least.

"Are you going to go home?" Emmett asks as I roll my eyes. "Does it look like I'm going anywhere tonight?" I wave my hand towards the window as Emmett jumps on the bed beside me. It was twilight outside- and I was all the way in Toronto.

Emmett's mom, Mrs. Bridget, walks in the door with cookies and two glasses of milk. "Sweet snack, anyone? Because I'm totally down." She wiggles her eyebrows with a huge smile as she places the tray on Emmett's desk.

I've missed Mrs. Bridget. She was like my own mother. In the past, anyways. When she'd seen me, she literally jumped in my arms before I had a chance to.

"Thanks, Stella. But I honestly am not hungry." I rubbed my stomach for hope. She had already given us plenty things to eat.

"Any trace of Jackson and Callum?" She asks as she hops on the bed on the other side of me.

"Yeah, Charlie texted me. She said they were over at her place." I said, holding up my phone towards her.

"Don't tell me they made another new phone, Penelope! Which one is this? Blackberry 032?" She said, eyeing my phone up and down.

"Actually, iPhone 6S." I said, with a huge grin on my face. I've paid for this phone, myself.

"Oh my goodness. New technology every day. Lovin' our planet." She said, with a smile, shaking her head back and forth. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Mother, you're embarrassing me." Emmett whispered, which I presumed was only meant for Stella to hear.

"It's only little Penelope!" Stella said giving me a side hug, as I returned the favour. "Yeah, Emmett. It's only me!"

Then my phone rang. I looked at the screen: Alex.

I answered, as I called out a Hello?

"Oh, Penelope! I've been so worried!" He said, out of breath.

"Alex? Alex! Are you okay?" I said as I jumped up from the bed. Emmett did the same.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've tried to reach out to you for over 2 days, Penelope! Where were you?" He said. I could almost feel his angry heat light up in him.

"Stuck in the woods. We're fine now." I shrugged.


"Yeah. Charlie, Emmett, and some of his friends were there too." I smiled, looking over at Stella, who was smiling back.

"What did you guys eat?"

"Fish, and some vegetables."

"How'd you guys use the washroom?"

"Long story." I said, feeling slightly embarrassed. I could feel my ears turn pink. I combed my fingers through my hair, which were wet from the shower I had earlier.

"Alex, I need to call my dad." I suddenly remembered. "I'll call you later."

"Bye." He hung up. I felt bad, because he seemed so upset. What reason? No one knows.

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