Chapter five

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© 2013 by Aye_dis_girlyxD. All Rights Reserved.


Ok, I notice that you can Comment and Vote on a story, and I thinks that's awesome, maybe I can get some feedback? Yeaaa, that'd be awesome, anyway on to chapter 5, here it is


***Na' Veah's P.O.V***

I groaned as I turned over to snooze my alarm clock. 6: 21Am.

I had school today, and I was not looking forward to it.

If I had it my way, I would only go on the certain days I felt like going, But nooo, I had to go because I wanted to go to college to get my Doctor's degree so I can help cure people diseases, and sickness.

With that on my mind, I got up.

I was on a mission, and I wasn't stopping til I'd fulfilled it.

I headed to the shower, and turned it on to let it warm up while I brushed my teeth.

I stripped out my clothes and put it in a dirty hampster, Then got into the shower, letting the warm water hit my skin, warming it up.

Man, how I wished I could stay in this place forever, but that thought was quickly shut down once that cold water hit my body.

Sighing I got out, wrapping my body in towel as I shut off the shower and headed to my room.

I had no idea what I was wearing but I had to pick out something, so I went with my white crystal embellished jeans, With a black tank top and my half all white jean jacket with my embellished thong sandals.

I lathered myself in lotion then put on my bra and panties then slipped on my clothes and sandals..

I was satisfied with my look, and I was gonna get Qua to put my hair up in a tight bun since she was gonna drop me off at school. I grabbed my book bag & my phone and headed to her room.

I was bout to knock but before my hand reach her door, It was yanked open, scaring the heck out of me.

Instead of Qua standing there, It was Dre, "Qua told me to drop you off at school." He says,

"Why can't she do it?" I asked, not that I cared if Dre dropped me off, I actually liked Dre, He was a cool and funny guy, He was good for my sister.

"She been sick lately and Just morning she threw up.. I think she might be pregnant." He whisper the last part.

I gasp, "You think what..?" I ask, tryna make sure I heard him right.

"I think she might be pregnant." He whispers again.

I stare at him for a second to see if he was just playing but his expression was serious as my father when he be getting on to me for doing something wrong.

"I'm not joking, I asked her had she came on yet and she said no, I think she is.." He says, looking back at my sister who was asleep on her queen size bed, lightly snoring.

"Well what are y'all going too do?" I ask, with one eyebrow raised.

"I don't know but we'll figure it out though, fo' sho." He says, stepping out her room and closing the door.

"You ready?" he asks.

"Yea.. ohh I forgot I was supposed to get Qua to do my hair but never mind I'll get somebody else to do it." I say as I make my way down stairs out the front door and to his Camero.

"Your hair looks fine, Na' Veah." Dre says, ruffling my hair as I smacked his hand away,

"I'm sure it don't now." I say as he laughed and unlocked the door.

I got in and buckled up as Dre pulled out the driveway making his way to my school.

***Writers block on this chapter.. mann I hate those ughhh -_- I swear everytime I got ready to upload this chapter, when I clicked on it WPB always deleted half of my work, making me forget what I wrote down -_- anyway I hoped you liked it :| cuz i didn't '_' see you guys next chapterrrr***



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