Chapter Nine

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© 2013 by Aye_dis_girlyxD. All Rights Reserved.


***Na' Veah's P.O.V***

"Dang, girl you straighted snapped on them kids back in Mr. Lovan class." 'Cedes says, laughing.

"What? What happen?" Rae askes.

"Ok, so we was taking notes on the Declaration of Indepence, Right, and Mr.Lovan had asked when and why it was written and nobody spoke up so he called on me and you know I knew so I answered gladly then some body called me a nerd, and people started laughing and I was like I'm glad to be a nerd at least I'm passing with all A's then I was like how many of yall know yall going to the next grade guaranteed so you know that shut them up and I was like exactly case closed." I say all in one breath.

"Damn Na' Veah," Rae said as we all started laughing.

"Well let me get to P.E. before I be late." I say, sighing.

Rae and Mercedes turn their nose up, "Eww, don't work out to hard." Rae says.

"Please in Coach Franklin class we barely even work out." I say, heading the opposite way away from them.

"See you fifth period, NaNa." Cedes says.

I stepped into the gym, turning my nose up in disgust. It always stanked in this gym, every single day.

Lord forgive me, but some people need to stop trying work out so hard and then be carrying that funk around with them.

"Friend!!" Dorian yells, running over to me, pulling me into a hug in the process.

"Dory!! I miss you" I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I know I missed yo beautiful ass too." Dorian says, making me smile.

"Ayo Dorian, Come here for a second." Xenaa says.

He rolls his eyes, "You better go before you make her mad." I said, smiling.

"I'll be back." He says, winking at me and heading over to where she was.

I sat my bag down, and headed to my spot, waiting for the tardy bell ring.

I'm not gone lie, I had a small little crush- ok a big one- on Dorian but were just friends.

"Ok every body before we begin, we got a new student, De' Quan, every body say hey." Coach Veleen

I smiled. "Ok Dorian, raise your hand." He continued, "You'll be standing to the right of him." He says.

"All Right, Guys and Gals, Let get ready to stretch, Wesley you can be my counter, Bend and Hang."

"1." Wesley begin.

"2." we all said together...


*Qualena's P.O.V.*

"Qualena Foster." I looked up to see a nurse holding the door open for me.

I got up and made my way to where she was.

"Hi, Qualena. Right this way, please." She took me to a room and told me to sit. "The doctor will be right with you."

I took a deep breath and sighed.

Knock, Knock

"Hi Qualena, I'm doctor Ying Yang and this is Nurse Rosie, Can you tell me why your here today?" Doctor Ying Yang said.

"Yes ma' am, umm well I have been feeling really sick for the last few weeks"

"I see, Do you think you ate anything that was bad?"

"No ma'am not that I'm aware of."

"Can you tell me what's the last thing you ate?"

"Um my moms meatloaf."

"I see It sounds like to me you could have a stomache, but what do you think you have?" she askes.

"I think I might be pregnant." I blurted out, real fast.

Whoo, it felt like a weight just got lifted off my shoulders.

"Can you tell me when's the last time you had your period?"

"Two months ago."

"Ok, well Qualena here's what I'm going to need you to do," The nurse hands me a a little cup, "I'm going to need you to go into that rest room and pee in this cup for me, once your done, just leave it on the counter, and I will be back shortly."

"Thank you, Doctor Ying Yang." I said as she headed out and I headed to the restroom to pee.

After I peed, I washed my hands and sat the cup on the counter.

Not long after Nurse Rosie came back in, "Ok Qualena we will be back with your test results in a few."

"Thank you."

I pulled out my phone and checked to see if I had any miss calls or new text messages and I did but I didn't feel like checking it.

If I was pregnant, wasnt no way I was going to kill it, my parebts will kill me!

It seemed like forever before Doctor Ying Yang came back.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long," She starts smiling, "But I am proud to say that you are two months pregnant, congratulations." she hands me what looks like the test results.

I put on a weak smile.

"Now I'm going to prescribe some prenatal vitamins and I'm going to need you to rest and relax, I've set up an appointment for you next week at 8:30am, I will see you then, when your ready at the front desk you can pick up your prescription, See you next week."

"Thank you again, Doctor." I said as we both headed out of the room.

"Here's your prescription, now these are to ensure that you have a healthy experience, you'll need to go to your local wal-greens to pick it up, good luck."

"Thank you." I said as I grab the piece of paper and headed outside to my car.

I am going to kill Dre!

I got in, put my seatbelt on, started it up then backed out, heading to Wal- greens.

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