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Josh's Pov;

My phone rings just as I'm taking a bite of my macaroni. "Hey, what's up?" I accept the call and hold it up to my ear. "Josh?" It's Jennifer. "Yeah?" I take another bite, waiting for her to say something. "Jen, what's wrong?" I ask, sensing something's off with her. "Can you come over? I'm scared." I set down my fork, trying not to laugh. "What're you scared of?" She's done this to me before, almost always over something completely irrational. "Well, I was watching insidious and I got scared. It's okay if you're busy or whatever I'm just scared to sleep in this house all alone and everything." I smile, taking another bite of my macaroni. "I'll be right over. Just after I finish eating." I glance up at the clock and see that it's only just turning nine. I've got plenty of time before she usually goes to bed. "Okay, great. I'm gonna call Bear too and see if he can come over. We can have a sleep over with just the three of us." My smile fades for just a second. "Sure. Sounds great." I love Liam, but I can't stop myself from feeling a little jealous. After a while of us both being silent, she finally speaks up. "So, what are you eating?" I get up and set my empty bowl in the sink. "Mac n cheese." I walk upstairs and into my bedroom. "Sounds good. I need to call Liam, so ill see you when you get here?" She asks. "Yeah. See you then." I reassure her, hanging up. I change into some pajama pants and leave my t-shirt on from earlier and slip into some shoes. I run downstairs and get into my car, in a hurry to get to Jen.

I park next to Liam and spot him standing by his car as I'm getting out. "Need some help?" I ask, watching him pull a bag out of his car. "Uh, yeah, sure." He hands me the bag he was getting and gets a pizza out of the car. "Jen said she needed snacks, so I brought some from home and picked up a pizza on the way." He explains. "Ah." I smile, getting it. He shuts the car door and locks it. Then we walk up to Jen's front door.

Jen opens the door wearing nothing but a tank top and pajama shorts, showing everything. For a second I forget how to talk. "You brought food!" She wraps her arms around Liam. "Yeah. I told you I would." Liam says, as she releases him. "Hey, Josh." She hugs me too and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Well, come on in!" She ushers us into the house and closes the door behind us. "All I've got to drink is beer and sink water, unless you want to share with me. I got this earlier from the gas station. It's Mountain Dew." She holds up a big 36 oz cup with a lid and a straw just like the ones we always get from the gas station. "I'm gonna go get a beer. Liam you want one?" He nods and sets the pizza down on the coffee table. I hand Jen the bag I was holding and walk into the kitchen to get some beers.

When I return Liam is sitting on the couch and Jen's siting next to him digging through the snacks Liam brought. She pulls out a box of Oreos, a bag of potato chips, and sour patch kids. She digs into the chips and I sit down. I pass Liam his beer and take a sip of mine, stopping to grab a slice of pizza. Jen starts the movie where she left off and curls up next to Liam, setting her feet on my legs.

We all sit on the couch eating snacks and watching insidious, Jen jumping and gasping at every loud noise. She sits up, takes a sip of her Mountain Dew, and stands up. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." She steps over Liam's legs and Liam and I both turn our heads to watch her leave. I glance at him and notice he's staring at her ass, just like I was. I swallow hard and focus back on the tv. I know I have no right to be jealous. She's not my girlfriend and Liam's my friend. If something's going on between them I should be okay with that. I'm not okay with that. I glance back at Liam just as Jen's walking back into the room.

Jennifer sits down in between us, totally oblivious to the tension now radiating off Liam and I. "You wanna share?" She asks me, holding up a bag of sour patch kids. "Sure." I take the bag from her, open it, and pour some into my hand, before handing it back to her. She leans back and sets the bag In between us. We eat the rest of the sour patch kids while we finish the movie.

Jen turns the tv off and looks at Liam and I. "Ready for bed?" Liam asks, as she rubs her eyes. "Mhhm.. Yeah. Lets go. I've got extra blankets in the closet if you need some." She mumbles, standing up. "Come on, bear." She says, grabbing Liam's arm and pulling him up. We walk up to her bedroom and I dig some blankets out of the closet while Liam and her get comfortable. I throw them a blanket and climb into bed with them.

After a few minutes of tossing and turning we all seemed to have found a comfortable position on the bed. I'm on the end with Jen in the middle and Liam on the other side. Liam's got his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, his bare chest pressed against her back. I'm the only one using the blanket. Liam was too hot and Jen had Liam to keep her warm. Just as I'm falling asleep she turns over on her side towards me, looking at me sleepily. I glance over at Liam and see he's sound asleep. She'll be asleep soon too. She reaches out and takes my hand. "Thank you." She whispers, holding onto my hand as she falls asleep.

A/N: this is just kinda how I imagined one of those sleepovers going between them. You know minus the threesome.

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