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Jennifer's Pov;

Liam leads in the front with a walking stick in hand to help him fight off any particularly large plants as we hike through the moist jungle vegetation. Josh and I walk side by side behind Liam, Josh armed with a backpack and me with just my cell phone. We've only got a couple days left of filming in Hawaii for Catching Fire, so we invited Liam to come join us for the remainder of our time here to help get his mind off the termination of his engagement with long-time girlfriend Miley. Although they've officially split up but that hasn't stopped him from obsessing over her every move via nasty tabloids he knows not to read. Even though their engagement ended over infidelity issues on his side among many other smaller issues he still worries about her constantly. It's annoying, but I know he probably wont be stopping anytime soon. He should just let it go and move on like she has, but he's just not that type of person. He's sensitive and extremely picky about his love life. He's not one for casual hookups and rebound sex. He's more of a loner type unless he finds someone he wants to be serious with. As we stomp through the jungle Liam drones on and on about Miley, making Josh and I groan in unison. "Dude look, let's just stop here, alright? There's some big rocks over there we can sit on." Josh suggests, pointing Liam in the direction of four massive rocks. "Guess those'll due." Liam shrugs, then tosses his stick aside and we all take our seats on the rocks.

While Liam desperately tries to regain cell reception, Josh removes his backpack and unzips it. I watch from my designated rock as Josh pulls a cigarette case with a couple joints inside out, along with a lighter. Finally, what we gathered out here to do... and after Liam's rant I think we all could use a relaxant. I love our trio dearly, but for the first time since arriving in Hawaii I feel a pang of sadness, thinking of how much I miss our other cast member Woody. I wish he could be here, now. He was always our guide through our weed filled adventures back when we were filming the first hunger games movie. He was the unofficial pack leader of our stoner tribe. I used to really need his help back then. While the others had been smoking weed all through their teen years and more than a view times during adulthood, I was a newcomer on the scene. Sure, I had smoked a few times with my brothers, but that was about it. It didn't help that I had a horrible habit of becoming paranoid while under the influence. Woody assured me it was something I would likely grow out of, and he always helped to soothe me rather than getting annoyed by my paranoia like Liam and Josh had. Now that I've had some experience mainly from smoking up with my best friend Laura, I no longer suffer from paranoia and now have learned to relax and enjoy the experience. In fact it now helps my anxiety instead of hurting it. It's just a fun way to pass the time and kick back with my friends every now and then.

Josh extends a perfectly rolled joint out to me and I take it from where it's lodged between his fingers. "Liam put the phone down, we're sparking up!" I nudge his left knee with my foot and he slides his phone into his pocket with a sigh. "Light me, Please Joshy?" He nods and flicks the spoke of the lighter, setting the tip of our joint ablaze. It burns going in, but feels so smooth on the exhale. I take my allocated two puffs, then pass it to Josh who then hits it twice and hands it off to Liam. We go around and around in the circle. Puff, Puff, Pass. That's the rule. Until the joint becomes too small to be of anymore use. We stay on our rocks for a while as we wait for it to fully kick in. I prop my feet up on the one rock that isn't being sat on, until it's time for the real fun to begin.

I feel the drugs affect come on slowly, and once it does I look around to see if the others are feeling it. Liam appears to be half-asleep sitting up and Josh is digging through his bag for something. "Snacks?" I ask, peering over into his open bag. "Hell Yeah." He finds a bag of chips near the bottom and offers some to me. "Ahh, yes!" Cool Ranch Doritos, the superior chip. I snatch up a handful, then let Josh have the bag back. We munch on our chips while Liam appears to just completely zone out. "Dude this is the best. I've missed hanging with you guys so much lately." I say, to neither friend in particular. "You see me everyday on set, Jen." Josh chuckles and so does Liam, and I roll my eyes at them both. "I know that, I just mean the three of us together." I explain. "I know, I was just teasing." He playfully punches my shoulder and we share a laugh. "Liam are you dead?" I ask, looking at his slumped posture. "Nah, Mate. I'm just relaxing." Josh and I exchange a look. "Looks like maybe someone can't handle their weed, mate." Josh jokes and Liam moves to sit up better. "That's real funny coming from the two of you over there, munchies much?" We all burst into giggles at that and I swear we don't stop laughing until we're nearly choking on our own laughter. When the high wares off we pack up our belongings and Liam leads us back the way we came, out of the jungle life and back into civilization and eventually each of our separate hotel rooms.

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