Single Ladies

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Jennifer's Pov;

Josh and Liam walk by my side as we enter the overly sensual looking nightclub Liam recommended. Nightclubs are not my usual scene as I tend to be a homebody and spend most nights on the couch with my boyfriend Nic, but our tightly wound over worked  trio needed to blow off some steam after a long day on set. When we get through security and inside the building I follow behind Liam like a lost puppy and Josh trails behind me. We've become close friends over the months we've been filming our first of many hunger games movies. I've come to love the two boys at my front and rear more than words can describe. We're a match made in heaven both professionally and otherwise. Liam's gorgeous and brawny with just a touch of sensitivity and goofiness. Josh on the other hand is like the male version of me. He's funny, charming, adorable, and unbelievably smart and sweet. They make my life better in every way and I look forward to all the time we'll have together on set and at the end I'm hopeful our tight friendship will remain. Liam gets us all drinks and a table and we all gather to relax and get some drinks in our system. I sip my beer while watching masses of people out on the dance floor. They bump and grind before my eyes as Liam's eyes stay glued to his phone and josh can't seem to take his eyes off me. I know he was checking me out from behind earlier, he certainly had a nice view with the skin tight jeans I've got on, but I didn't want to embarrass him by catching his gaze. I pretend not to notice, but I have a serious suspicion that Josh has been crushing on me ever since our first phone call. I can't deny that we could be something great. The chemistry is there and the friendship and the love, but I'm not sure if I can return his feelings. I'm in love with my boyfriend Nic. So in love I can see myself growing old with him and marrying him and having his children. I don't want to give that up just to give Josh a chance. It's too big of a gamble. Yet, I have this fear that if I don't he'll grow to resent me and our friendship will be ruined. I wish he could just get over this silly crush on me. I'm nothing special. Josh is if anything far too good to settle for me. I'm unavailable, boring, and just not the kind of person I'd picture him with. He's always got plenty of women who desire him, he's a huge party animal, and on top of his wild side and success both career wise and with the ladies, he's somehow still down to earth and caring and kind. He shouldn't be wasting his time chasing after me this way. Liam's thumbs bashing into his keyboard drives me to look over at him and bring my thoughts back to the present. "Who are you texting so aggressively? We're supposed to be letting loose. Having a good time." I raise my eyebrows at him and he laughs. "I was just texting Miley, but I'll stop I promise. She's going to sleep anyway." Ah, yes. His very much adored fiancé. He's obsessed with her. It's cute, but gets annoying fast. "How about a few more drinks, then we get to dancing?" Liam suggests, looking to Josh and I for an answer. "Good with me." I answer with a smile. "I'm down." Josh adds, downing the rest of his beer.

I'm alone at the table while I wait for Liam to return from the Men's room. Josh has reached that point in the night where he's drunk past no return and Liam and I are dangerously close to getting there as well. I watch curiously as Josh tears it up out on the dance floor. He's surprisingly good at dancing. It's strange to think I've never seen his moves till now. If I were that skilled I'd never stop dancing, but instead when I try to dance I just look like a total loser dad who's trying to be hip. Liam returns from the restroom, stumbling slightly with glazed over eyes and an amused smile. "Dude somebody was fucking in there." He states, with a chuckle. "Cool! Wait did you actually see them fucking?" I give him a look of shock. Surely whoever it was had the decency to take it inside a stall instead of just out in the open. "Nah, they were in a stall. How about we get out on the floor now? Get our grind on?" He asks, demonstrating for me his dance skills, by grinding his hips at the open air. "It's now or never." I mumble, taking his hand and following him over to where Josh is. The three of us dance in a makeshift circle, mostly just moving random limbs and bobbing our heads to the beat. We're all too drunk to care how ridiculous we look and so are most of the people surrounding us. It's the best combination for me to truly let loose especially with my growing feelings of anxiety with my newfound fame. I feel safe with Josh and Liam. We're on this journey together. "Ahhh shit!" Josh exclaims with delight, smirk clear on his drunk face. That's when I notice the opening of one of my favorite songs starting to play. It's iconic, fun, sexy, and catchy. Single ladies. Josh, Liam, and I all begin to sing along when the lyrics start, shouting out the words with no shame. Liam dances to the beat and yells the words, but Josh and I are the ones who really get into it. We do the full on dance routine from the music video together, neither of us skipping a beat. We don't mind that people are watching us, likely judging us. I know we're probably not going to remember this in the morning and the memory will be lost forever in our subconscious, but in the moment nothing could be more thrilling.

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