Chapter 2

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P.o.v ???

"My plan was finally in action so all I have to do is wait" I said to myself. "This is going to be perfect and no one will stop me" I walked back into the shadows while laughing.

P.o.v Nyx

I woke up to see Lunar holding me in his sleep. I tried to wake him up but he just wouldn't get up. I sighed and got out of bed. I got dressed and headed to the guild. While I was walking I saw natsu, Lucy, and happy. "Hey guys" I said to them as I waved my hand. "Hey Nyx where are you going?" Lucy asked me. "I'm heading to the guild" I stated smiling. "But where is Lunar?" Natsu asked this time. "Oh he is still sleeping but its weird he never sleeps this late" I said a little sad. It was quite for a few seconds until Lucy broke the silences. "So you wanna walk with us to the guild" she said smiling. I just nodded. When we finally got there I saw Mya and jen. I tackled them into a hug. "Nyx what is wrong with you" Mya screamed at me. Me and jen just laughed.

I walked up to Mira and I saw she was looking at a calendar. "Hey Mira why are you looking at the calendar?" She turned around smiling "its Halloween tomorrow" she started to jump in happiness. I smiled at her. "Nyx what are you going to dress up as?" Mira looked at me smirking. I got a little scared. "Well I was going to dress up as an evil princess then Lunar would be my evil prince but we are still deciding" I looked at the guild members and they were having fun drinking well more like cana was having fun drinking. The guild doors opened and then came in a guy with cute teal eyes and blond hair. Oh wait that's lunar. I got up and ran over to him. He hugged me and I hugged back. Then everyone in the guild said "awww" then I heard jen scream "NYX AND LUNAR SITTING IN A TREE, K I S S I N G, FIRST COMES LOVE, THEN COME MARRIAGE, THEN COME THE BABY IN THE BABY CARRIAGE!"

I was so angry that I shot back "Ryan and Jen sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g, first comes love, then come marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage" she looked at me then smirked. She came at me with an attack which was a stupid idea. "Music blast" (a/n yes I know music is a stupid magic attack but it is still powerful) "Nightmare Blast" that knocked her down. I fell to the ground because her music attacks are really powerful. I felt someone pick me up and of course it was Lunar. I smiled and hugged him. He sat down with me in his lap. Wendy came over to tell me that jen would be fine and that she also wanted to see if I was hurt. I feel asleep in Lunar arms. I was so tired that I didn't care if I feel asleep on the floor.

P.o.v Lunar

Nyx feel asleep in my arms. I was tired too. I said goodbye to everyone and walked to our home with Nyx in my arms. I felt her move a little. I was super quite so that I didn't wake her. When I reached our home, I put her in our bed and feel asleep next to her.

Sorry if it's a short chapter I'm just really tired and can't think. Well I see you guys in the next chapter.
{=^-^=} ~nyx

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