chapter 6

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-bows- I'm so so so so sorry for not updating a lot is happening right now and it's hard for me. Anyways her is the next chapter for you guys I hope you like it-

P.o.v Jlo/jen

I was so shocked that someone would want to hurt Mya, let alone kidnap her. Nyx has been so worried about Mya. I was worried to but not as much as Nyx. Nyx has a secret that only a few of her friends -me, Mya, Lucy, Erza, and Wendy. (A/n the secret will soon be revealed but if you want to guess what it is, say it in a comment on this paragraph)

Right now Nyx and Lunar were staying with me and Ryan because they were worried I was next in the line of being kidnapped. Hopefully not I don't want to be kidnapped 😵.

P.o.v ???

I was figuring out my plan to kidnap jen it will be a lot harder now that Nyx is with her. I also heard romurs that Nyx is keeping a secret and a few of her friend know. Once I get jlo or jen Nyx will come to get them and I will find out that little secret of hers.

I started to hear Mya mumble in her sleep. Something about jen being with a guy named Ryan and Nyx with..........LUNAR!!!! Okay so that got me really pissed off so I punched the wall next to me. "Do not fear I will get my prizes" I whispered softly to Mya.

P.o.v Nyx

"Okay so as most of you know Mya has been kidnapped" i stated. "So we have to make up a plan to get her back. But the thing is if Mya stays where ever she is, the person who is with her will show her true powers" jen looked at me.

"So how are we going to start off with this plan?" She asked me looking super confused. I smirked.
You'll have to find out in the next chapter........nah I'm just playing.

" well we will start off with trying to find Mya's scent and by we I mean me and shade. Ryan and Lunar will look for clues and jen you will research the latest kidnaps that have happened in the past month".

"So now that we have made the plan clear, let's get some rest so we have full energy for tomorrows plan" I said yawning and rubbing my eyes. Everyone nodded and we went to bed.


Well there it is. Sorry if it's a short chapter. I hoped you liked it and try to think of what the Secret is ;)
Anyways thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter

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