Chapter 3

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P.o.v Nyx

I woke up to see that I was alone and that my costume for today. -yes its Halloween, yes I know its almost valentines day irl, but chill okay? Good- Mira was also thinking about doing a Halloween party at the guild. I got up and got dressed in a purple tank-top, black sweatpants,black hoodie, and my Black uggs. I know its a bad combination but I was super comfy. I walked out of my house and started off towards the guild.

P.o.v Mira

Mya, Nyx and jen weren't here yet witch was perfect. I was planning of doing a Halloween party and a best friend anniversary party for the three of them. I was just finishing the cake when I heard Nyx say hai to everyone. All the party decorations were behind the bar because I'm the only one that is behind there. I walked out of the kitchen to see all three of them actually. "Hey guys" I said as I waved to them. They walked over to the bar and Mya asked me "so when will we decorate the guild for the Halloween party?" I then told them how they won't have to worry about it and that I will take care of it. "You sure Mira that's a big job all by yourself?" I only nodded.

-about 5 or 6 hours later-

P.o.v jen&Mya mix -this might get a little confusing-
Me and Mya live together so we walked home together to get our costumes -in media- this will be the first time anyone besides me will see Ryan. He is super kind and likes to hang out with friends. Lunar is the one who got us together.

I was happy about today. It was Halloween and our best friend anniversary. I started to daydream until I walked into a wall. The wall was part of our apartment/ house thing. When we got in, I ran upstairs to get into a shower. When I was done I walked out to get my costume. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked so cute.

I got up to my room and took a shower like Mya did. When I got dressed into my costume, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" when I turned around I saw Ryan standing there in his costume. "Ryan you look so kawaii!" I screamed. I then ran and hugged him. He hugged his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. He is so sweet. I kissed him on the nose and he chuckled. A little later we all began to walk to the guild.

-with Nyx and lunar-

P.o.v Nyx
I just got out of the shower when I forgot to get my costume which was on my bed. I walked out and I was on the lucky side today cause Lunar wasn't in the room which meant I could get my costume and go back to the bathroom. When I was at least two steps away from the bathroom door, I felt a lot of arms wrap around me. I didn't scream cause I knew it was Lunar. "Lunar come on I have to get my costume on" I turned around to see him in his costume already. "But Nyx come on you should go like that" I smacked him playfully. He finally let me go and I got dressed. After that we headed to the guild.

-Party time-

P.o.v Master Makarov
"Listen up I got a message from Lunar saying that everyone is on they're way, so now that we have both parties ready, all of you find a hiding spot and stay there until they walk in!" I yelled to them. "Aye sir" they replied and went to find a hiding spot.

Normal p.o.v -with the other 5-
Nyx, jen, and Mya were talking to each other while the boys were walking behind them. When they reached the guild Ryan and Lunar put their hands over Nyx's and Jen's eyes, Mya already had a blindfold on. When they walked in they boy took their hands and the blindfold off. All the girls blinked their eyes a few time. When their eyes were back to normal they seen no one in the guild hall and it was super dark. When they all walked in, they jumped back. "Happy anniversary and Halloween you guys" everyone said in sync. They later partied and had a bunch of contest. They later went trick or treating, then went home.

Sorry if this chapter is a bit off but the next chapter will be about Christmas. Yes I know I'm a bit off date with the holidays but still. Well see you in the next chapter. ~nyx

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