Chapter 10

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P.o.v Mya

When I saw them standing there, I could feel all my emotions burst. I felt happy, excited, angry, sad, etc. Nyx and jen started to run towards me but Galaxy through me backwards away from them.

Nyx and Jen looked furious. Maybe they are mad at me. While I was in my thoughts, I could feel a little bit of air next to me. I looked up to see......

P.o.v Nyx

Galaxy was holding us off while Mya was just sitting there against the wall thinking. I Started to worry when some blonde guy came and picked her up. I knew it wasn't Lunar because he was next to me.

Lunar looked at me with a that showed he wanted to transform into this more powerful form. I nodded at him, then he nodded at Ryan. They both transformed.

Lunar turned into his leopard form, which consisted of a leopard tail, the leopard design on the sides of his body and an outfit. (A/n look at the media)

Ryan turned his car form. Which consisted of a black car tail and outfit. (A/n media again)

I looked at jen and she already knew what I was thinking. Transformation time.

I turned into my purple dragon form and jen turned into her light blue dragon form.

Natsu and lucy were already transformed into their dragon forms. Natsu looked like Igneel but he had light pi- salmon scales. Lucy had her celestial star dragon form.

Galaxy smirked then turned into a dark-demon dragon form. Shade has the same form but he is just a regular demonic dragon form.

As we continued to fight, Galaxy finally realized that Mya was gone. When we de-transformed, we all realized that we had a lot of cuts and bruises. The worst cut I had, went along my stomach.

I stared to freak out and so did everyone else. We all quickly tried our best to run back to the guild.

~at the guild~

Still Nyx p.o.v

When we got back to the guild Mya and the guy who saved her were there. I went to hug her but when she saw me, she looks terrified.

I then realized that I still had the big slash on me. Wendy then came running up to m and the others. That's when she said something that was part of my secret to the whole guild.

~back with Mya after the fight~

P.o.v Mya

When we were finally at the guild the guy introduced himself to him. H said his name was sting and that he was from sabertooth. A/n my friend who plays Mya said she liked sting, plz don't harm me for this!!!!!

As we were talking, the guild doors boosted open. I looked to see everyone but they were all cut up. I looked directly at Nyx because she had a huge slash on her stomach.

I screamed to wendy and when she came downstairs, she saw everyone's condition. As she finished jen up, she started to work on Nyx.

When wendy as thinking she said.........
"Nyx the baby is fine and okay". Nyx then looked up scars of everyone's reaction. She told wendy, me, jen, ryan, and Lunar that she was pregnant and that she didn't want anyone else to know until she was ready to tell them.

Master then came downstairs and looked at Nyx with a giant smile on his face. Then came Eclipse, shade, and Torin.

Torin is Nyx's father.

Luna walked behind Nyx and held her tightly. I was so terrified because Gramps has never smiled like that before.

P.o.v Lunar

I could feel Nyx shaking so I held her close to me. Master looked up at us and nodded at least 3 or 4 times.

"Congratulations you little brats, I'm happy to hear I will have a grandchild in a few months"

Nyx smiled but when she looked at her family, she looked worried. Nyx was about to cry when her mother and father hugged her.

Eclipse started to jump up and down screaming "I'm going to be a grandmother yay!!!!" Shade was doing the same thing except he said "I'm going to have a niece or nephew"

Torin was just looking at his wife and son shaking his head and chucking. Gramps then got up on the bar then screamed "let's have a party for our soon to be new family member"

Nyx started to giggled and turned to look at me with a happy gleam in her eyes. I cleaned down and kissed her forehead and hugged her.

Nyx then sighed happily, then we walked to a table and talked about things we will need to the baby. We don't know the gender so we will have to wait on room color, cloths, and toys.

We already talked about names and what crib we would want to get so that was taken care of. We were fine talking until we head Erza yell at Gray and Natsu because one of them dropped her cake.

I chuckled slightly and looked back at Nyx who had her head down on the table and was sound asleep. I picked her up bridal style, said goodbye to everyone and went home.


1. What gender should the baby be?

2. should it be twins?

3. What names would you like for the baby or babies?

The is all for now thanks for reading that chapter and see u guys in the next one.


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