Its Only the Beginning

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Chapter 1 - Its Only the Beginning

As I lay in this uncomfortable, rigid hospital bed, pondering my future, and wondering how I ever survived, I get disturbed by the thought of the zing. The zing that occurred when I looked into the eyes of a boy. The boy who saved my life.
I had questions running through my head like a hurricane. Would I ever see him again? How did he get there so quickly? Things like that, and with my luck I'll end up with all of the wrong answers.
My love for him was beyond the ordinary "love at first sight" theories. I knew the love would be for always, forever, and for eternity. My love, my life. I only hoped our lips would touch again.
My thoughts crashed when the nurse walked into the room.
"Kristen, you should probably get some sleep. You had a rough accident last night. You are probably still in shock."
I hated the fact that you have to take naps when you are in the hospital. I mean its not like you can stay up until 5 in the morning. But I fall asleep anyways.
"What happened?" "Are you okay?"
I whispered thoughts out loud in my sleep. Dreaming of the boy. Dreaming about the day when he saved my life. At first it was like suicide but then a fantasy. If only I would've known who he was.
I awoke from my dream when red and blue lights came flashing through the window. I got up dazed and confused from the bed, wishing that someone was here with me.
I notice a cop talking to a nurse outside my room.
I start worrying about why the cops are here. Are they here to arrest me? Are they going to tell me that I shouldn't've done what I did that caused me to be here?
Thats when the cop walked into my room.
I hesitated before I responded. "Am I in trouble, sir?"
The police chuckled. "Ha. Of course not."
I stopped to think of what to say. Was I supposed to be scared? Maybe even cry?
"Then, um, what are you doing here, cop?"
I imagined him telling me that about the boy I saw and who he is. Maybe that was him. The one that saved my life and that would be the reason for him to come in. To see me once more.
"You don't have to call me that, ma'am."
I paused for a moment.
"Actually, I'm not who you think I am." The cop smirked. "I'm Trevor."
My eyes widened. My mouth hung wide open. I couldn't believe it was him. He looked a lot different than I expected.
"Do you not remember me?" He looked around the room, smiling as if he had done something bad. "Poor Lucas. If only he could be here. Instead he is at the street dance with all of your friends."
"Lucas..." I whispered to myself.
"What was that?"
"Trevor, hand me my phone, please."
I knew he wouldn't give me it but no one else would be coming in to visit me anytime soon so I thought I'd ask.
He picked up my phone and started going through my messages.
"Give it!"
I had nothing to hide but I had never liked it when someone took my phone and started going on it without my permission.
"Looks like someone is trying to keep something from me, huh?"
I rolled my eyes at his smirky comment.
"No, I would just like my phone. Thank you."
I scrolled through my unread messages and noticed one that was from someone who says he is Lucas.

"Hey! Its only the beginning... :) Oh, by the way, the name's Lucas."

Who was he? What all did he know? What did he mean?
I thought about what Trevor had said. 'If only he could be here.'
"Hey. Trevor? Um, who is this Lucas you were talking about?"
Trevor stopped what he was doing and quickly turned go face me.
He changed the subject. "So what happened to your leg? And your forehead?"
I sighed.
"I thought you knew everything."
Trevor smiled, "Not everything."

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